PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting took place in Jean Medway’s garage with social distancing due to Covid-19 restrictions.  Jean called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Present also were Jeff Price, Al Betz, Julie Verhaalen, Fred Koch and Sharon Rossebo.  Julie had sent the minutes of the previous meeting via email, and these were accepted on motion of Sharon, seconded by Al.  John Hedstrom was unable to be present but had submitted his treasurer’s report also via email, which was approved on motion of Al, seconded by Jeff.  Jean made a motion to pay the $56 charge for our Post Office box.  This was seconded by Fred and approved. Jean inquired whether anyone had received anymore scam emails, and members acknowledged they had but had promptly deleted these.


Property Owner survey: Jean thanked Julie for her work on the lake survey.  The results will be printed in the fall newsletter and on the website. Julie reported there are currently 91 members of the association; we need at least 90 members to meet our budget. Julie said the survey cost $99 for over 40 respondents.  Fred moved to reimburse Julie for this expense, and Jeff seconded this.  Jeff made a motion to offer free membership to the family which hosts the annual picnic.  This was seconded by Al and approved.

Lake Survey by DNR: The survey was done August 20 but Fred had not heard anything yet; he sent an email but received no response. He said they surveyed 534 points on a grid. Al mentioned that none of the milfoil this year has crowned as it had previously, and that the boat launch is full of milfoil. The question is whether this is hybrid and whether a DNA test could determine this.  We are waiting to see what the DNR will recommend regarding treatment.

Scuba Equipment:  Fred and Al checked the equipment which had been donated and found that only two sets were worthwhile.  The two tanks will need to be recertified at a cost of $40.


Recommendation for Township regarding No Wake:  The Township has requested input from each of the Town lakes as to whether the No Wake restriction should be lifted and when.  They have put additional language in the ordinance which makes it enforceable. There was extensive discussion on parameters for removing the restriction, such as lake level down to 2018 level (about 3 feet lower than present), down to when the restriction was started (which would mean lowering the level about 18 inches from present) or setting a specific level.  At present the level is about 897; slow no wake was instituted at approximately 896 feet. Board members were asked their opinion as to what level to end no wake, and the consensus was between 894 to 895, which would require a drop in level of about 1.8 feet. It was also questioned whether these high levels may be the “new normal” for Pine Lake.  Jean will talk to Karen Reynolds, the Gilbert Lake association president, to compare recommendations, as it was felt that both lakes should reopen at the same time.

The main concern of our lake association is water quality which is affected by these conditions. In late August the secchi disc was at 21 feet.  It was recommended that we obtain a water quality test every year from the deepest part at a cost of about $40.  Julie will make a spreadsheet of all the data from testing.

Lake Management Plan:  In the last newsletter Jean requested suggestions for additions or changes to the plan, and she received none.  The only current change would be regarding the slow-no-wake of the west lobe.  This change must first be approved by the DNR, and then Ed Hernandez will make the change. Since there appear to be no other changes, Jean will submit this to the DNR.

Next meeting dates are set for October 3 and November 7.  Al will check with Crossways Camp to see whether their dining hall would be available for our meeting.

Sharon moved to adjourn, seconded by Julie, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 am.

Respectfully, Sharon Rossebo, Secretary