Clean Boats Clean Waters 2024

Clean Boats Clean Waters 2024 was a resounding success and here are the numbers to prove it:

  • 38 Pine Lakers volunteered this summer.

  • 203 hours were logged in at the boat launch! 

  • 13 new people volunteered, 11 of whom were recruited by Lori Henderson and Cindy Lou Radcliffe

  • A 94 year-old is our oldest volunteer and contributed 3 hours (can any other lake in WI beat that?)

  • 204 boaters were educated by the our volunteers.

A shout-out to Lori Henderson who contributed the largest number of hours, however, it took ALL 38 participants to get us to reach the required 200 hours. 

Remember to: KEEP CBCW ALIVE in 2025:

Ginnie Detloff & Sarah Kirchhoff.

CBCW October Update


While the summer of 2023 was a steep learning curve and a huge leap of faith; PINE LAKE succeeded at getting the required 200 hours of volunteer time for the CLEAN BOATS CLEAN WATER project.  


The numbers speak volumes: 

  • 44 volunteers gave 203.5 hours of their time educating boaters at the launch–Wow 44!

  • 7 volunteers gave 10 hours or more and

  • 1 volunteer logged over 20 hours.

  • The top 4 “most hours volunteered” were:  Julie Van Dyke, Lori Henderson, Sarah Kirchhoff and Ginnie Detloff!

THANK YOU to all for helping to make it happen.  The overall consensus was that it was a very positive experience.  People met new folks from all around the lake as well as being the welcoming face to visitors who come to enjoy the beautiful Lake.  As we watch the native plants rejuvenating, it is a perfect reminder that CBCW is an important part of our ongoing challenge to keep invasive species out of our lake.  We will need to continue this great effort in order to further protect our lake (and remain eligible for the large state grant monies).

T-shirts will be coming to all of this year's volunteers by next summer.  Watch for information in the spring for “ Kick Off 2024”!


(PS:  Ideas and suggestions for improvement are welcome.   Please call Ginnie Detloff or Sarah Kirchhoff!).