Membership (Join or Renew)
For only $20 you can now join the PLPOA or renew your membership online. Click on the registration form button on the right to provide or update your contact information. Please consider making an additional contribution to the Invasive Species Maintenance Fund. Any amount you submit over $20 will be put directly into that fund.
Then, use one of 4 ways to pay your annual dues and donate to the milfoil fund:
ATTEND the annual meeting or picnic and pay with cash or check.
MAIL your check and form to PLPOA, PO Box 45, King, WI 54946.
DROP your check and form into the white PLPOA mailbox at N7113 East Pine Lake Lane (the Hedstrom’s place).
VENMO (Since changing treasurer’s we will have to set up a new VENMO account and will update this as soon as we have the new information.)
(For options 2, 3 or 4 above, If you’ve already added your contact info online just tell us the cottage address for which you’re paying.)
Pine Lake Property Owners Association members are entitled to AND are encouraged to…
Serve on the Association Board of Directors
Attend the annual meeting and vote on important issues
Share your specific concerns with the association
Serve as a volunteer on various projects
Participate as a committee member
The Pine Lake Property Owner’s Association is a nonprofit organization that sponsors many activities on the lake such as the independence day NOMO (non-motorized) Challenge, the Boat Parade, and Annual Picnic. The Pine Lake Property Owners Association also educates its members on issues such as invasive species, ground water, water quality, water surface usage rules, and other topics which affect all of those who enjoy time on Pine Lake.
Membership Benefits Include:
University and WDNR Reports on Completed Pine Lake Studies
Invasive Species Control
A Forum for discussing issues critical to Pine Lake
Membership in the Wisconsin Lakes Association and Central Sands Water Action Coalition which increases our knowledge and impact on water related issues that affect Pine Lake.
Participation in the “Adopt a Highway” state program to help keep our environment clean
Reports from the Wisconsin Lakes Convention
Periodic Educational Programs.