PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was held in Jean Medway’s garage with social distancing due to the Covid-19 precautions.  Jean called the meeting to order at 9:06 am with John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Al Betz, Fred Koch, Jeff Price and Sharon Rossebo present.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  John had sent the treasurer’s report via email.  It was inquired whether the CD coming due in November should be rolled over in light of expected, very costly milfoil treatment. John reassured the members that there are sufficient funds in savings and checking. The report was approved.


No Wake Status:  Jean reported she attended the Springwater Town Board meeting where this was discussed and disputed by some attendees.  Jean presented our survey and comments and also talked to Karen Reynolds from Gilbert Lake.  Their survey results were similar to ours, and they are also working on setting a level for removing the restriction.  Jean suggested maintaining such a level for three months before changing this. Jean asked the board members whether they felt anything regarding the water level of the lake should be added to our Lake Management Plan; no definite decision was made regarding this.

Lake Survey:  Fred said he has heard nothing from the DNR; he will call them again and ask when we can expect a report.  He is waiting for recommendations for treatment and wants to look into three other companies to perform the treatment.  He did notice that this year there was an absence of the usual native plants in the lake.


Newsletter:  Fred will submit an article on the survey and milfoil.  Julie will post results of  the no-wake survey and comments. Julie will also provide information on the blood drive as well as the Facebook and the website pages. Sharon will ask John Nelson whether he would provide an article about fish stocking and/or be willing to come to our next board meeting. In the President’s letter, Jean will provide general information on no-wake policy. She will also write an article thanking Ed Luczkowiak for his service on the board.  She asked Jeff and Julie to submit a bio for the newsletter. We discussed including information on upcoming elections at the annual meeting but decided to save this topic for the spring newsletter.

Sharon moved to adjourn, seconded by Julie, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 am. Next meeting is November 7, 2020, which will probably be a virtual meeting.

Respectfully, Sharon Rossebo, Secretary