Jean Medway, President, called the meeting to order at 9:07 am. We started the meeting with a few minutes of silence honoring all the people who lost their lives on September 11 twenty years ago. Afterwards we welcomed our two new members to the board: Ginnie Detloff and Sarah Kirchhoff. Other members present were Al Betz, Fred Koch, Julie Verhaalen, Jeff Price and Sharon Rossebo. John Hedstrom was present via zoom.
Minutes: The minutes of our June meeting were read and approved upon motion of Al, seconded by Julie. The minutes of the annual meeting of July 3, 2021, were distributed and read. Sarah noted that the blood drive was in conjunction with Long Lake, not Gilbert, and this was amended and approved by motion of Julie and seconded by Al. All the minutes will be posted on the Pine Lake website.
Treasurer’s Report: John reported converting the CD for $5409.86 to savings. We need $18,055.00 to cover the milfoil bill, and there are sufficient funds in checking for this. Fred made a motion to approve the invoice and pay this bill, which was seconded by Al and carried. John sent in the 990 form for tax exempt status and renewed the post office box at $63 per year. He also said there is another CD due at the end of the month and another in January. It was suggested when these mature that they also be moved to savings. Jean stated the Town would reimburse up to $1000 for Eurasion watermilfoil treatment. Since we just received the bill recently, we do not have a receipt for payment, but Fred will take the bill to present to the Town Secretary. Sharon moved to pay this invoice, seconded by Ginnie, and the Treasurer will pay this amount. John reported he has not received a bill from Kleutgens for picnic expenses. The association has paid the dues for the member hosting the picnic each year.
Board Positions: The present officers of the Board stated they are willing to remain in their positions: Jean Medway, President; Al Betz, Vice-President; John Hedstrom, Treasurer; and Sharon Rossebo, Secretary. Since there was no election last year, the members of the board drew for who will be up for election next year. John, Jean, Sarah, Ginnie and Sharon will serve for two years, and Fred, Jeff, Julie and Al will each serve for a one year term.
Milfoil Treatment: Fred reported that where the milfoil was treated it is gone. However, for the amount spent and the amount taken out, we have only gotten about 10%. It was felt that the DASH treatment by Aquatic Plant Management (APM) did what was expected. APM suggested that the milfoil first be harvested (weed cutting), which would make it easier to suck up shorter pieces. Since the survey was done there is more milfoil growing in new areas. Fred has communicated with Lake and Pond Resources (another company) who uses Procella COR, which is a liquid to be mixed with water using a precise formula, and this liquid hits the entire plant. The cost would be approximately $2500 per acre, plus the cost of a yearly survey required by the DNR, all of which estimated would be around $10,000. Fred will set up an online meeting with Jim from Lake and Pond Resources. Jean made a motion giving Fred the authority to sign the proposal of Lake and Pond Resources allowing them to conduct the survey at a cost up to $2500. This was seconded by Al and approved by the Board.
Regarding the bags of milfoil dropped on the property of Dr. P. Vogt from Gilbert Lake, we will send him a Pine Lake blanket and a thank you letter.
Jean also presented a letter from Jared Brown stating his concern that we may lose our lake to a mat of weeds if we don’t take massive action to regulate this invasive species. Therefore the Brown Family is challenging all property owners to come together to fight this threat, and the Family will match, dollar for dollar, all donations for chemical milfoil treatment made between now and the 2023 picnic up to a total of $5000. Al suggested sending a letter to all property owners requesting donations for chemical aquatic invasive species (AIS) treatment to match this challenge and reminding everyone that all donations are tax deductible. Jean will write the letter, and Julie will set up Pay Pal, Venmo and Zelle accounts for ease in making donations.
Merchandise: Judy has some blankets left as well as kids’ tee-shirts. We sold 185 clothing items through the online store. Jared Brown had said he works with a company selling shirts, hats, etc. all year round, and would set up a zoom meeting. The association would get all the profits. Julie will evaluate this information and check on shipping costs.
Emails from hackers: Members reported they are still receiving these, but they should not be opened nor replied to.
Buoys: The seven red bouncy balls loaned by the Town were returned to Everett Eckstein. The two slow no-wake buoys that were placed did not protect any swimmers in the shallow water. At the Town meeting Fred will request a series of buoys along the point.
Donation Box: Jan Koch had suggested placing a donation box at the boat landing for milfoil donations. Since this is regulated by the Town, Fred will ask the Town for permission. The Town Board meeting is September 13. Fred will attend and take the invoice and donation box request. Sarah said she would also attend the meeting.
Fish Sticks: These are becoming a problem for navigation. Jeff pulled one of these around to the other side of the point, and there are others floating. An email will be sent to Ben Mott regarding this and requesting DNR remedies, as well as to Ted Johnson, the DNR representative.
Newsletter: Sharon has already submitted an article on the picnic. Sarah will write an article about the blood drive. Since Ted VanDyke has retired, we will need to find another source for printing the newsletter.
Rentals: Apparently some rental units have been causing a disturbance with late night noise levels. This will be brought to the owner’s attention.
Meetings: Next meeting dates will be October 9, November 6 (latest date for newsletter submissions) and January 8. Al will check whether we will be able to meet at the camp during the winter months.
Sharon moved to adjourn, followed by Al, and the meeting was adjourned at noon.
Respectfully, Sharon Rossebo, Secretary