07/03/2021 Annual Meeting Minutes (approved 7/2/2022)

Jean Medway, President, called the meeting to order at 9:11 am at the Crossways Camp.  First, Jean thanked all the board members and volunteers who worked diligently this year to protect and preserve the quality of our lake.

Jean reported that our information had been hacked by someone not from our lake, possibly through our public postings on our website, and the hacker has contacted board members asking for gift cards and other money.  We have not responded to these requests and are informing all of our members of this and to disregard any requests of this sort which they may receive.

Minutes:  Because there was no annual meeting in 2020 due to the pandemic, there are no minutes to be approved.

Treasurer’s Report: John Hedstrom, Treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report for the fiscal year June 1 to May 31.  The good news is that the income was $8230.00 and expenses only $865.49. Income was from dues and milfoil fund donations.  Expenses included donations to the Fire Department, sponsoring kids’ activities, Wisconsin Lakes membership and operating expenses. John also presented the budget for next fiscal year. Expenses budgeted include invasive species treatment, the picnic, the newsletter, Wisconsin Lakes organization, operating expenses, donations and promotions, a total of $19,250. The largest expense is over $16,000 for invasive species treatment by DASH.  Proposed income of $19,250 is derived from dues, invasive species fund donations, promotions, operations and savings. A motion to accept the financial report and the proposed budget was made by John Siwula, seconded by John Onder and approved by the members.

 Voting Qualifications and Proposed By-Law Amendments:  There will only be one vote per property paid membership.  Proposed changes:  (1) Article 3, Section 2, amended to drop the 10 am meeting time, (2) Article 4, Board members, change to “number of directors, minimum of 7, maximum of 9. Ted VanDyke and Doreen Weiner collected and counted the ballots.  Two-thirds vote of the members present is needed to approve the changes.

Description of DASH treatment:  Fred Koch showed a video on milfoil harvesting by DASH.  After reviewing a lake survey done last August, the DNR determined there was not enough milfoil to warrant chemical treatment.  The survey had been done using GPS and a rake, but the point survey was not well done.  The board decided to use DASH for six days at a cost of $2600 per day. DASH has been pulling for four days but this will require three more days starting July 19. In the four days they pulled  110 bags of milfoil plants. Fred has contacted another company which can do a survey next year and make recommendations to the DNR.  They believe they may be able to get a permit for chemical treatment since they do not use 2-4-D. It may be possible to spend only about $6300 next year if we are able to get the permit.  Fred explained how the invasive species has changed to a hybrid which is difficult to treat. He also brought many mesh bags which can be used to collect the milfoil and encouraged the members to take a bag and collect milfoil in their area.  Fred and Al would pick up the bags after they are filled.

Results of By-Law Amendment Vote:  Regarding (1) Time change, 60 for, 4 against, change approved.  (2) Board members, 62 agreed, 2 disagreed, change approved.  The change in the by-laws will be printed.

Introduction of Board Candidates:  Currently there are 9 people up for election since there was no election last year.  Jean noted that members may write in votes and asked if anyone would be interested. Since there were no nominations, a motion to accept the current board candidates was made, seconded and carried.  The board will meet in September, when it will be determined which board members will serve for two years and which for one year.  

Boat Parade:  Fred stated the boat parade will be Sunday at 7:30 pm.  Boats should meet at the point and follow in the wake of Grand Marshall Fred Koch, who will avoid all areas of milfoil.

NoMo:  Ginnie Detloff spoke about the NoMo which will be 5:00 to 6:30 Saturday.  She demonstrated how to fill each stringer in order of colors and leave completed stringers at the last bucket.  There will be point value fish, some snacks and four trophies. Prizes will be awarded for points and also for “best spirit” determined by flag participants. Please wear life jackets during the event.

Picnic:  Sharon Rossebo stated there will be a picnic this year, although we recommend no dishes or desserts to pass except to your own family or group.  She thanked the Kleutgen family for again agreeing to host the event and introduced Ron Kleutgen who spoke about the tent, food and games. He said he could use a helper to grill the burgers and that there will again be craft beer along with some Miller Lite.

Blood Drive:  Sarah Kirchoff explained the blood drive which will be held in conjunction with Long Lake.  It will be September 4 from 7:30 am to 10:30 am. The bus will be at the Powell residence, and the first 80 volunteers will receive a bowl made by Bill Powell.

Online Clothing Sales:  Julie Verhaalen said this year the only clothing sales would be online due to the leftovers we have on hand.  We do have blankets for sale which are new this year.  The online store is  ontimepromo.com which will be open until July 11.  All items will be shipped after that date.  All profits from sales go back to the Association.

OLD BUSINESS from the floor:  Jan Koch suggested that a milfoil donation box be placed at the boat landing.  This would have to be on private property or we could check with the County about placing the box.  It will be put on the September board meeting agenda. The mailbox at John Hedstrom’s place could be used and has been full due to generous milfoil donations.

Someone asked why only one slow-no wake buoy was placed at the point.  Al explained that due to the high water the chain is not long enough and he may get a longer chain. 

Volunteers were requested to put up the picnic tent on Friday, July 30.

NEW BUSINESS from the floor:  It was questioned why all the milfoil markers were not placed as planned, and it was explained that the DNR said it would be a menace to navigation.

Another suggestion was to put a sign at the boat landing recommending a voluntary no-wake, and it was explained that we cannot place a sign; the Town of Springwater is in charge of any signage.

A member asked whether there could be a change in the designated hours for skiing and tubing.  This is also determined by the Town of Springwater. Anyone may attend the Town board meetings to bring up this suggestion.

Susie O’Neill requested that property owners be considerate of neighbors and limit the noise level later at night.  Judy Nelson stated that all fireworks require a permit which can be obtained from the Town Chairman, and the permit states that they should not be used after 11 pm.

A member inquired whether others had a problem with swimmers’ itch, as has been noted on the west end of the lake.  It was suggested to use sunscreen or baby oil on the legs and shower after exposure, which prevents the problem.

Jim Reiskytl thanked the board members for all their work.

A motion was made to adjourn, which was seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.


 Sharon Rossebo, Secretary