06/12/2021 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Jean Medway, President, called the meeting to order at 9:05 am.  Present were Jean, Julie Verhaalen, John Hedstrom, Al Betz, Fred Koch, Jeff Price and Sharon Rossebo.  The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved after motion by John, seconded by Al. John presented the treasurer’s report and the new budget for 2021-2022. The only new expenses on the report were the donation to Wisconsin Lakes and expenses Julie incurred for mailings. The report was approved after motion by Fred, which was seconded by Sharon. John stated he ordered 250 letter openers at $1.16 each for give-aways at the annual meeting and picnic.  Instead of handouts, the budget will be placed on a screen at the meeting.  Fred and Jeff will bring a TV for this purpose. Al made a motion to approve the budget as presented; this was seconded by Julie and passed.


Merchandise Sales:  Julie discussed the online sales from our new provider. She had a sample, and the shirts are a good quality material.  The store is open now and will be open until July 11, 2021. Jeff demonstrated a blanket his family has used extensively and suggested we order some blankets.  A motion was made that Julie order 48 green fleece blankets with our white logo, which will be available for sale at the meeting.  Jean seconded the motion, and it was approved. We will tell people that we also have a limited inventory of other items for sale 

Picnic:  We discussed the tent.  Al has a tent that is about 10 x 16.  Sharon will check whether Ron had ordered a tent from Wautoma Rentals.  She will check with John Siwula as to whether he will again be responsible for the corn.  Al will see that the grill is brought to the picnic site.

Annual Meeting:  Al and Jeff will take care of speakers and extension cords.  John has pencils for filling out the ballots.  Two ballots will be needed: one for changing the number of people on the board and the time of the annual meeting, and another for voting for board members.  Jean will write the ballots and Julie will print these. John will update the membership after dues payment, and Julie and Jeff will check this and give out the ballots to current members.  As for the agenda, the current speaker will introduce the next person to speak.

 Milfoil:  DASH said they are able to come next Wednesday and Thursday.  Fred and Al will mark milfoil areas.  The question of where to dispose of the milfoil came up, and someone will ask Everett Eckstein if we could have a key to open the dump site for this purpose.


Town of Springwater meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. The next Town meeting is June 14; Julie, Jeff and John said they would be available.

Website: Boating safety will be added and links to information on voting, events, etc.

SLOW NO-WAKE buoys:  Because of danger to swimmers and children playing on the sand bar, we discussed where to place the two buoys.  We will need additional chain due to the depth of the water there now. 

Meeting and Picnic Signs:  These were found and given to Sharon to take home so Richard can make repairs and place the signs when needed.

Next meeting will be on September 11, 2021. A motion to adjourn was passed, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.


Sharon Rossebo, Secretary