At 9:05 a.m. the meeting was called to order by President, Jean Medway. Also present were Fred Koch, Julie Verhaalen, Al Betz, Jeff Price, John Hedstrom and Sharon Rossebo. Al Betz had taken the minutes from the previous meeting, and these were related to the members by Al. The minutes were accepted upon motion of Sharon, seconded by Julie. The treasurer’s report had been sent to all members. John stated the donation was made to the Saxeville Fire Department. John said Wisconsin Lakes was requesting dues of $2.50 per association member, which would be approximately $250. It was approved that they be sent $200. Julie said there was money received from a Michigan resident who is not an owner on the lake and was probably a mistake. She will contact them. Jeff moved to accept the treasurer’s report, and this was seconded by Fred and approved.
Bylaws Change: It was again discussed changing the bylaws regarding the number of board directors, whether it should be stated “nine or more members” or “consisting of a maximum of nine members.” It was the consensus of the board that it should be limited to only nine members. This option will be presented to all association members who are present at the annual meeting on July 3 and voted on. There was much discussion on voting qualifications, which will be limited to one vote per property member, whether or not that member owns more than one property. Julie will have her computer at the meeting to check current members. Two ballots are needed, one whether to change the bylaws to nine members and to delete the stated time for the annual meeting, and a second ballot to elect nine members provided the change is approved. To change the bylaws requires an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the members present at the annual meeting. It was decided we would need two people to do the ballot counting, preferably members who are not presently on the board. Ted VanDyke and Doreen/Ed Weiner will be asked to assist with this.
Merchandise: We again discussed finding a new vendor. Since we do not receive any money at all from Identity Stores unless a large amount of one item is sold, Julie volunteered to check items and prices from On Time Clothing & Apparel, which she has dealt with before. We have sale items left over from other years, and Judy Betz will be at the annual meeting to sell these.
Milfoil: Fred proposed that the Board adopt a resolution stating “The Lake Association Board will abide by the DNR’s instructions and mandate that milfoil areas not be marked with floating bottles.” Such resolution was approved by the board members. The Springwater Town has $6000 available to reimburse all the lakes for milfoil treatment, and requests for reimbursement must be submitted to them by July 1, but we are not able to pay DASH early for the treatment. We discussed whether to recommend slow-no wake in the west lobe of the lake. Fred said we should stress the importance of each property owner picking the milfoil in their area. John had distributed a proposed letter to all property owners discussing the problems and the very expensive cost of milfoil eradication and requesting further donations. It was suggested that “eradication” be changed to “removal” as it is not possible to totally eradicate. Other than that change and a typo on the draft, it was approved to be sent via email and snail mail.
Letter from Jean, “Why Does the Minority Rule?”: Jean prepared an opinion article regarding lifting the no-wake restriction, cost of DASH milfoil treatment, DNR restriction on marking milfoil areas, and lack of government support for our efforts. Julie agreed to edit it before it is published.
The Springwater Town meeting will be May 10 at 7:00 p.m. Jean will be here to attend. She distributed the agenda for the meeting.
Agenda for Annual Meeting: Jean passed out the agenda for the meeting, along with the presenters for each topic. The results of the election will be just prior to requests for any old business or new business from the floor.
Regarding the boat parade, it will remain at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 4. Fred agreed to be the Grand Marshall and lead the boats away from any milfoil areas. Jeff will take up the middle to prevent any strays into those areas.
Next meeting is scheduled for June 12 at Jean’s house. With no further business, Sharon moved to adjourn, seconded by Julie.
Sharon Rossebo, Secretary