04/10/2021 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 9:04 am.  Present were John Hedstrom, Fred Koch, Julie Verhaalen, Jean Medway, Al Betz.  Jeff Price was present via Facetime.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by Fred, seconded by John.  The treasurer’s report was accepted as reported by Al, seconded by Fred.


Milfoil:  We signed the contract with DASH.  No date for treatment has been set yet, but treatment will occur in July.  Fred will have authority to extend the work for one or two extra days if necessary. The Town Board is aware of our request for treatment and boating after that.  Will request the Town to place stakes (posts) on the south side to prevent cars from traveling into the muddy area of the launch site. 

No Wake:  Will ask the Town Board to keep slow-no wake in effect until after DASH treatment, unless the lake goes up.  Present level on April 1, 2021 is 1.66 inches higher than when the no-wake started.

ByLaws:  Discussed increasing the Board from seven to nine members. Kirkhoff and Detloff are available for new board members.  We can use Zoom or media to attend.  The bylaws can be changed with a poll of members prior to the annual meeting.  Change bylaws to say at least five members. July 3 meeting to amend the number on the board and any other items we deem necessary.  Julie will get copies of the bylaws to all current members. 

Annual meeting:  A letter opener will be ordered by John for annual meeting give-away. Annual meeting will be held outdoors on the camp property by the Juniper. Meeting agenda:  Treasurer’s report and budget by John.  DASH presentation by Fred.


NoMo will be held this year (check with Ginnie on this).  Picnic will be held “with limited items”—no desserts or other food brought in; we will supply everything.  The date will be July 31 if Kleutgens approve.  Sarah will do the blood drive.  No parking sign at boat launch.

Next meeting will be May 1 at Jean’s house.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:44 am.


Al Betz, Acting Secretary