03/13/2021 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was held at 9:00 am in the Dining Hall of Crossways Camp.  Present were Jean Medway, Al Betz, Fred Koch, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Jeff Price and Sharon Rossebo.


Milfoil Treatment:  The first order of business was a telephone call held between board members and Andrew McFerrin of Aquatic Plant Management LLC discussing treatment options of aquatic invasive species areas on the DNR map. These five marked areas total approximately one-half acre.  However, Fred and Al agreed that this survey missed several large spots, particularly on the northwest part of the east lobe as well as plants on both sides of the Point.  Fred also noted that Point A on the map extends farther north than indicated.  He thinks with these additions it would be approximately one acre. It was the consensus of the board members that all areas should be treated.  Therefore Andrew will send a revised quote for services.  There will be options for total treatment of all areas or prioritization of which sections to treat depending on cost. Fred and Al will see that the additional areas are marked. The DNR permit fee is $30 per acre. Work would be performed between the end of June to the end of July when the plants are healthy as that is the best time to pull them. This would also be a good time if the no-wake restriction is still in force. Any boat traffic should be informed to keep at least 200 feet away from the DASH boat. Andrew said they will send a contract to us with all the instructions and the estimate based on actual time. After this has been signed they will pencil in the time period to complete the work.

There was discussion on whether to spend as much as it costs for total treatment and whether the treasury has adequate funds available to cover this.  John reported that between the checking and savings accounts there is an adequate amount without cashing any CDs. Fred made a motion that upon approval of the contract we agree to treat as much as possible up to a total of $15,000.  Jean seconded the motion and it was approved. It is possible we may only need one year of DASH.  Some lakes which used this method are now free of milfoil.

There will be an article in the newsletter as well as letters to property owners detailing the cost, why this is necessary and asking for donations to the milfoil fund. This will include information comparing it to what other lakes have spent.

Minutes/Treasurer reports: The minutes of the January meeting had been sent via email  and read by all board members without any additions or corrections, and they were therefore approved. John reported he received a thank you from Wisconsin Lakes for our donation.  He also asked whether the association should send anything to the Saxville Fire Department in response to their letter asking for donations. After discussion Fred made a motion, seconded by Jeff, that we donate $200 to the department, and John will send them a check.

No-Wake: Jean distributed a copy of an email from Karen Reynolds, President of the Association of Gilbert Lake. Karen states they are going to contract for six days with DASH.  They are also going to survey their members again in April regarding the wake/no-wake and make a recommendation to the Town Board. We discussed whether we should recommend  no-wake to the Board. A suggestion had been made previously regarding placement of a stake and signage at the landing showing the current water level and at what level wake or no-wake would be enforced. The Town chairman stated the Board would have no problem with such a sign. There was also discussion on whether we should conduct another survey of property owners and how to accomplish this.


Annual Meeting:  Since we will be unable to use the Camp Chapel, we agreed to hold the annual meeting outside on their grounds.  This will require speakers and microphones, which Jeff said he has available. Members can bring their own chairs.

Election of board members:  All seven present members have agreed to remain on the board.  There are also two property owners who have expressed interest in running for a seat on the board.  The by-laws state that the board will consist of seven members. The newsletter will contain information regarding the election.

Springwater Town Meeting:  Fred, Al and Jean attended the last meeting and asked the Town Board for Temporary No Parking on West Pine Lake Road.  On several weekends this winter there were so many cars parked on the road that any emergency vehicles, if needed, would be unable to get through.

Dates set for future meetings are April 10, May 1 and June 12.  The annual meeting is July 3, 2021.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.

Sharon Rossebo, Secretary