The meeting was conducted via Zoom due to the pandemic. Jean Medway, President, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Also present were Al Betz, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen and Sharon Rossebo. The minutes of the previous meeting had been sent to board members via email and had been read. Al made a motion to accept these minutes as presented, which was seconded by Julie.
John had sent his treasurer’s reports for November and December also via email. John reported that he had received dues from members who had already paid for this current fiscal year. He credited these amounts to their next year’s dues. It was suggested that in future newsletters there should be a note stating that if a member’s name is on the list and the member receives a newsletter, this indicates they have paid for that current fiscal year. John also stated that he was contacted by Wisconsin Lakes for a suggested payment of $2.50 per association member per year. Previously we had given them $100. Jean made a motion to send Wisconsin Lakes $225 this year. This was seconded by Al and carried. John also said that a member’s check for deposit had gotten lost and we needed to inform this member. Julie said she would obtain the needed information to accomplish this. Al moved to accept the November and December treasurer’s reports; this was seconded by Sharon and approved.
Newsletter: Jean thanked Julie for all the work on the Newsletter. Only one came back and was re-sent. Jean asked whether the Newsletter was sent electronically before members received theirs in the mail. Julie said it was not sent like that. She also stated that no financial information was put on the website.
Water Level and No Wake: There was no January water level information from Bill Powell. Jean had talked to Everett Eckstein about a suggestion to post speed limits depending on the water level. Any signage at the boat landing would be the responsibility of the Town. She asked board members to check their shoreline and decide at what level they would suggest lifting the no wake requirement. Jean will reach out to the other lakes regarding their views on this matter.
Milfoil: Fred was not at this meeting to present any information regarding milfoil. Jean will contact Fred as we need to obtain permits for treatment in March.
Identity Stores: We have not received anything from sales online, nor any information from Beth. There was discussion on whether to start with a new vendor, which would require start up expenses, but no shipping charges if the vendor is local. No decision was made regarding this.
NoMo: Ginnie Detloff had volunteered to run this, and Al will get the flags to her.
Annual Meeting: There was much discussion on how to proceed with the annual meeting, whether we would be able to meet in person or online by some means. The Camp will open at 50% capacity; therefore the Chapel would only be allowed to fill to 50% capacity also, which probably would not be sufficient to accommodate all the members. We discussed allowing only one person per property at the meeting, having the meeting outdoors with speakers depending on the weather, conducting the meeting on line, or a combination of both. Julie will check on options and costs and report at the March board meeting. Jean has the signs in her garage for the meeting and picnic, but these need some repair. Sharon volunteered that Richard would make the needed repairs for these.
There being no further business, Sharon moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Julie, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Sharon Rossebo, Secretary