10/09/2021 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Jean Medway, President, called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.  Also present were Fred Koch, Al Betz, John Hedstrom, Sarah Kirchhoff and Sharon Rossebo.  Julie Verhaalen and Jeff Price attended via Facetime. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved on motion of Fred, seconded by Al.  John discussed the treasurer’s report, stating that the CD due was converted to savings, and the next CD coming due will also be converted. The $2000 for the lake survey had been paid, and the payment for DASH treatment will be presented to the Town Clerk.  A letter had been mailed to nine previous PLPOA members reminding them to join, but only two of those joined again. Al moved to accept the report, which was seconded by Fred and approved.


Milfoil:  There will be a conference call at 10:00 o’clock with Jim Scharl of Lake and Pond Resources (LPR) to discuss future treatment.  Jean stated the estimated cost was overwhelming.  The estimated $35,000 would treat only the highest density areas which were surveyed.  Fred and Al stated the survey done was very accurate.  In addition to the west lobe of the lake, there is a lot of milfoil in the north end of the lake where it is shallow.  Of the 11.6 acres noted, only about three to four are in areas of heavy boat traffic.  It was questioned whether this fall we could do a test area using the new liquid COR. Wilson and Kusel lakes have been using this for years and are pleased with the outcome.  Bill Powell looked at any grants which could be available, all of which require ongoing programs, such as a boat wash and monitoring the landing, and would only pay a portion of the cost after the total bill had been paid.  There was discussion on the amount each of the 110 property owners would have to donate to the milfoil fund to help cover the $35,000 cost. The treasury has approximately $20,000 for this, but would need another $10,000.  It was decided to send a letter to everyone asking for tax-deductible contributions, suggesting approximately three to four dollars per foot of their lake frontage.  This letter will be included with the fall newsletter to all property owners.  Al made a motion that we test treat areas N and O on the survey, seconded by Jeff and approved by all board members.  We will also aim to get a long term, possibly five years, plan of treatment by conferring with Paul Skawinski, Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator at UW-Stevens Point, who is very knowledgeable on this subject.

Several questions were presented to Jim Scharl on the conference call.  He explained how COR works with less contact time to the plants as it is a liquid not pellets as we used previously. It is also selective and does not target native plants. As for test treating, there would be an additional charge of $350 but other charges would be the same.  A permit must first be obtained at the cost of $25 per acre; the permit expires October 1.  He suggested getting the permit for all 11 acres first, and he stated it is too late to treat anymore this fall.  Best time to treat is between the middle of May to September, and it is possible to treat two times in one year.  It would take about two weeks to determine whether treatment was effective. If we treat in spring, Mr. Scharl would be willing to speak, either in person or virtually, at our annual meeting to report the results.  If treatment of small areas was successful, we could treat again around Labor Day.

Donation Box:  The Town Board was asked about placing this at the landing, and they gave their approval.  John will look into getting a box similar to the one posted near his house.  WRK fishing club will also be asked for donations as many of their members fish on Pine Lake.

Rentals:   The problems presented from rentals was brought up at the Courthouse, who said they have gotten other complaints and are looking into this.

Buoys:  When the Town was asked whether buoys could be placed along the point, they replied this would be controlled by the DNR. 

Emails from hacker:  Members reported they are still getting these.  We will put an article in the Newsletter warning other property owners not to reply, but to delete these emails.

Newsletter:  This will be sent to all property owners, not just members of the association, along with a separate letter asking for donations to the milfoil fund. There was discussion whether this could be sent electronically to save printing and mailing costs. All articles for the newsletter are due November 6.


New property owners:  We discussed welcoming new owners with information about the lake and pamphlets from the County explaining various regulations and other information.  We would also include a Pine Lake key chain and/or letter opener.

Board members:  Sharon announced that she would be retiring from the Board effective this November.  Sarah offered to serve as interim secretary until a replacement is found. We will also search for a replacement new member to bring the Board up to nine members again.

Next meeting is scheduled for November 6.

Sharon moved to adjourn, seconded by Jeff, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:40 am.

Respectfully, Sharon Rossebo, Secretary