Celebration of Sharon’s 13 years of service
Present: Ginnie Detloff, Sharon Rossebo, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff. Everyone was present and in person.
Meeting came to order at 10:10 at the home of Al and Judy Betz.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Fred and seconded by Ginnie. Motion carried.
Motion to accept treasurer's report by Sharon 2nd by Julie. Motion carried.
Motion to send an EWM letter and newsletter to all PLP owners was voted on and passed. Discussion ensued as to the purpose of sending to all PLP owners even if not members. Julie suggested to put in a little note that we would love to have them join. Jeff moved to send a newsletter to all PL extended family. Sharon seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion on how much money from general fund and EWM fund will be put toward EWM eradication for spring of 2022 transpired. If we were to get a grant the money is often given after the fact. Jean noted that we could get a loan from a bank to pay first so we do not need to have the money up front.
Fred spoke with Ted Johnson from the DNR; he was interested in the data from the pretest treatment and offered to help with the point survey to see how effective treatment is. Ted is currently on board for treatment to commence in the spring of 2022. Last winter did not have enough snow cover to help kill back the EWM. He and Fred will be in contact in December/ January. Ted will also help with writing a grant for EWM with Fred ( or another member).
During a conversation with Paul Skawinski, from the University of Stevens Point, there is a “curtain” that can help contain the procellacor on the area desired. The DNR will allow buoys where chemicals are spread.
A motion was made to create and then retain a general fund of $2000.00 from membership dues or other revenues for operating expenses with additional monies to be spent on invasive species; health of Pine Lake was made by Fred. It was seconded by Jean/ Jeff. Discussion ensued. Discussion tabled until January.
Newsletter: It will contain the following: President’s letter, blood drive, No Mo, We Really Kare, request for person to fill Sharon’s position, ok for box for milfoil donations at landing. The letter will go out in November.
Someone asked to put advertising in our newsletter, Jean made a motion to not allow outside advertising in our newsletter.
Sharon 2nd. Motion passed with no one opposed.
Jean requested a donation box for the landing be put in before winter. The donations will be for the EWM fund. Al requested that John order a box and Al will put it in.
New Business:
Nitrates in water--Al let the board know that wells to the west of us have nitrates. Just a concern for our water in future years.
John made a motion and Jeff seconded to accept insert in newsletter by Julie Verhaalen regarding encouraging people to join.
Fred suggested a golf outing for lake fundraising. Will discuss at next meeting.
John received a post office thank you from King.
Folder made up by Bill Powell and Al Betz for homeowners. Will be put out at the annual meeting. The folder includes information about many county, town and area resources.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:28. Motion by Sharon and 2nd by Jeff!
It was with much gratitude ( and sadness) that Sharon’s years of service were celebrated after the meeting. 13 incredible years of service—THANK YOU SHARON
Sarah Kirchhoff (Secretary in training)