01/08/2022 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present:  Ginnie Detloff via zoom, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff.

Meeting came to order at  9:04am at the home of Jean.

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by  Fred  and seconded by John with clarification about the insert in the newsletter.   Motion carried.

Motion to move CD to savings/ checking account made by Jean.  2nd by Al.  Motion carried.

Motion to accept treasurer's report by  Al  2nd by  Julie.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

WI Association of Lakes: John asked how much we should send.  Discussion ensued by the board about the benefits of being a part of the association.  $200 is usually sent for membership.  There is money available for board members to go to the annual meeting.  Motion to send a check of $200 by Al and 2nd by Jeff to the association for annual membership.  Motion carried.

Amount of money to stay in the general fund:  This discussion was tabled from November.  Jean suggested keeping annual dues for operating costs such as association dues, annual picnic, educational opportunities and the like.  Al noted that the treasurer would be a good guide for what we need to keep.  This will be an ongoing, fluid discussion with no set amount determined.

Newsletter:  If any issues with articles please talk to the person who wrote the article not Julie who is tasked with putting together the newsletter per Jean. Jean suggested that instead of “message from the president” it could be “message from a board member”.  One thought was to write a synopsis of what the board did during the year.  Another is that we are a “cheerleader” for the lake.  No right answer.  Jeff “volunteered” to be the first board member to write the message from the board ( thank you Julie).

QR codes:  Jean was wondering if we could have a QR code at the boat landing so that people could donate remotely.  Julie will set that up as well as the option of VENMO.  The hope will be to have it in process by summer.

Donation box at landing:  Was ordered by John, Julie picked it up and Fred/ Al  put it up with some retrofitting from Fred.

Township meeting:  January 10th at Springwater Town Hall @ 7pm

Golf Outing:  Suggestion to have a subcommittee look into it.   Al suggested putting an article in the newsletter requesting anyone interested to call Jeff.  Julie will put it out on facebook and website.   Jeff will check with Foxfire to see if it is possible to have the event at their course.  

9th Board Member:  Jean asked if anyone has heard of anyone interested in serving on the board. No one had anybody approach them.  It was determined to wait until the annual meeting to ask for other members to join the board.  A suggestion was made to ask the camp if they wanted to join the board.  Al will ask.

Charitable donation:  This situation was brought up by treasurer John–do we need to send tax deductible letters when people donate money?  Currently John sends out a letter if requested.  After discussion, it was decided to continue as the treasurer thought best.  It will be posted on facebook and the PL website that donors can request a receipt.

EWM:  DNR doesn't have the results back from this summer's EWM applications.  Marinette county does have their results back ( but they used barriers).    One lake used procellacor–it did well on a lake that had previously used 2-4-D.  They had 85% reduction in EWM with the procellacor and a barrier.  Barriers need to be up for 72 hours after administering the chemical.    Needed:  volunteers, 5 gallon buckets, signage for landing –not sure what else.  Fred said the barriers can be made for about $3 a foot.  Not sure feasibility barriers on all areas treated.  Fred will talk with Ted from the DNR after the DNR has their meetings to disseminate the findings– hopefully before the end of the month.  Fred will talk to Lake and Pond to find out the total cost for doing the entire lake-–meaning all the areas identified in the survey.

New Business:

Newsletter 2022:  Will be discussed at the May 7 meeting. Articles will be due by May 14th ( however have them ready for the May 7th meeting). 

Aerator in the Lake:  Al checked with the DNR–they do not need a permit.  If you have an issue with what is being done you need to call the sheriff.  They are supposed to have appropriate signage around the area.  The aeration can not extend past the property line.    Safety is a concern.  Al’s question is “is this an issue we should be addressing”?  Water safety is a part of our bylaws.  After discussion, it was determined that it would not be in the jurisdiction of the board.  Individuals can reach out to the sheriff. Al will go to the January township meeting and ask them if they have had any past dealings with this situation.    

Meeting was adjourned at 11:50pm.   Motion by  Sarah and 2nd by  Fred .                            !

The next meeting will be on February 19th  at 10:00am at Al’s

Other meeting dates: March 19, April 23, May 7th, June 11th.  Annual meeting will be July 2nd at the Pine Lake Camp–outside if weather permits.  Meeting dates are subject to change.


Sarah Kirchhoff, Secretary