02/19/2022 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Ginnie Detloff, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff( remotely via phone). 

Meeting came to order at 10:09 at the home of Al Betz 

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Julie and seconded by Fred. Motion carried. 

No update to treasury report at this meeting. 

Old Business: 

Al said that Jean is looking for suggestions for PL items to be sold for fund raising. 

Jean suggested boat cushions. 

Sarah suggested playing cards and baby clothing. Jeff suggested puzzle and ball caps. Judy suggested beach towels. Give away items were also suggested: Key float, PL sticker, sticky note pads. 

Discussion regarding quality of items for purchase. Some problems in the past. Also suggestion made for option to have items available online to order as one offs. Some items sold for fund raising, some items not. Sarah suggested that Jen could look into quality clothing online site. Previous year items could be ordered. Jeff referenced a blue windbreaker and green fleece blanket that he would like to see made available. Sarah requested a picture of these items. Sarah, Julie and Fred all offered to look

further into options. Jarred had suggested a website to use for ordering. 

New Business: 

Fred announced EWM committee: Fred, Sarah, Chris and Ginnie. 

Fred explained the difficulties in working with Ted Johnson from DNR. Article recently came out from DNR (Madi Johanson) with new Aquatic Plant Management rules. Possibly be able to work through M.Johanson rather than Ted J. Fred to follow up on this 

possibility. Fred will be checking into the new option to clear EWM access lanes without plans.Discussion ensued regarding the roadblocks Fred has encountered with EWM management. 

Fred and Sarah explained to the board the timing and steps needed to take next for EWM management. First step needed is updated LMP. Needed for grants, and for testing. WI Lake and Pond Resource will help with update. 

Need for boat landing monitoring, also necessary for grants, explained. Golden Sands will be contacted to train volunteers. Sarah will prepare volunteer info for annual meeting. Ginnie will assist. 

Whole lake treatment will not be possible before 2023.While Ted J has said test site can be treated sooner, it was expressed that this is a waste of funds. It would not be effective and possibly be

grounds for DNR to say treatment didn’t work. Board members expressed their concerns of waiting, and the need to communicate the reasons for waiting to the property owners sooner than the annual meeting. Some ideas were discussed as how to communicate plans. 

Al made motion to spend the $8000 needed to update LMP. 2nd by Fred. Motion carried. 

Fred is interested in exploring possibility of Federal gov’t assisting in funding under USDA:NRCS- IPM program, and as a way to bypass WI DNR. Al stated that he has witnessed the Fed gov’t will defer to State. 

Fred will be contacting UWSP Herbalist to discuss options for plants to be planted after EWM treatment to slow regrowth. 

Fred requested 3 board members attend the WI Lakes meeting in April. 

Al discussed difficulty involved in keeping lake water healthy. Frustration with lack of volunteer for board membership. Discussed how dissimilar lakes in surrounding area are and why.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:46 Motion by Fred and 2nd by Julie 

The next meeting will be on March 19 at 10:00 am at Jean’s house. 


Ginnie Detloff