Present: Ginnie Detloff, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff. John Hedstrom was remote. Everyone was present.
Meeting came to order at 10:03 at the home of Jean.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Al and seconded by Fred. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Check to Ted VD for postage and printing. Dues are “due” for some organizations that we support.
Motion to accept treasurer's report by Jeff 2nd by Julie. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Madi from the DNR was also approached by the subcommittee. She reiterated that PL needs to redo Lake Plan, and work with Ted on Lake survey.
Ted from the DNR sent an email to Fred that noted that a new plant survey would need to be done prior to treatment, after lake plan complete.
Next steps:
Work on lake management plan
Do member/ population survey for the lake plan
Start volunteer clean boat clean water program at landing
Write grants for DNR/ state funds for treatment
Will get the subcommittee together this week to work on details for next steps with Jim from the Wi lake and ponds resource. Al requested that a letter/ email goes out to all members about the EWM update. Discussion ensued and information blurb will be run by board via email for feedback prior to sending it out to the members. The goal is to have it out prior to the next meeting in April.
Springwater Township:
Jean asked if there were any updates from the Springwater board?
Sarah let them know that they have agreed to clean up the signage at the landing. No other discussion about things that pertain to Pine Lake.
Pine Lake wear/ Apparel/ fundraiser:
Fred looked into a local place in Wautoma –Lee Barthel– who will happily print things. M-fri 9 am to noon.
Julie will do a print on demand option and work with Jarred.
Do we need a fundraiser? Should we just wait a few years?
Umbrellas–big golf ones
Dog coats
Baseball caps
winter caps? Winter caps no pompoms? Hunter orange? Multiple colors
Decided to do baseball caps and winter caps. Jeff likes the pine lake logo–original. Khaki–with green.--low profile. Price breaks in quantity?
Members were ok with doing a t-shirt design contest. Sarah will get it into the newsletter.
Pine Lake Lore? Can we revamp it? This question was asked by Al. Jeff suggested doing an insert–with new property owners and updated information. Al will look into it.
Give away: magnet with logo and QR–Julie look into magnets with QR code.
Wisconsin Lakes Meeting in April: April 6th, 7th and 8th:
'Who can go? Sarah will go on Wed.--will check with Ted and Sue Van Dyke.
Golf Outing:
Jeff thinking it could be on labor day. Encouraged to go ahead with the Sat. of Labor Day.
Free Fishing Day:
Parking was so congested in the past that emergency vehicles couldn’t get in. Was brought up to the township board. Tabling it for the time being and seeing what happens this spring on the free day was suggested by Al.
Jeff moved to send money to WI Lakes Assoc. with Fred seconding for annual fees
Thank you!
John thanked Julie for sending a tax deductible form to all members who donated. John asked if we could bring this back up at a future meeting. Discussion ensued. The thought is that the association can send out if requested. Al suggested that a blurb could go in the newsletter if a copy was needed.
Clean boats/ clean water:
Sarah and Ginnie will attend a virtual training, Al volunteered to attend as well! The webinar will be 4/13 at 6-8pm. The goal is to get the program up and going by august so that can get volunteers at the annual meeting.
New Business:
Ted and Sue Van Dyke have agreed to join the subcommittee of the EWM. THANK YOU Ginnie!!!
VRBO/ Air BnB/ lake rentals:
Sarah wondered if we should be including questions about this in our survey. Fred asked the DNR if it should be part of the lake management plan.
Al noted that the original compact was only for water quality not property owners but also thought it might be time to entertain discussions.
It was suggested that maybe develop an etiquette sheet for the lake. Give it to all property owners. Who will put it together? Jeff will start a list and bring it to the next meeting. We can decide if we want to give it out at the annual meeting.
Articles need to be ready by May 1st or the next meeting:--name writing it up
Views from a board member–Jeff
Blood drive–sarah–twin ( George Rapp– –920-960-8986), Long, Gilbert
Tshirt contest–Sarah
Web site–Clothing sale–Jenny
Ongoing items can get anytime–Julie
Annual meeting–al will check with camp–Jean
Updates on EWM–fred
Fundraiser –hats –Jenny
Clean Boats/ Clean Water–Sarah
No Mo–Ginnie
Picnic–al has a tent–Kluetgen’s ? still doing it? Porta pot? Picnic committee will do the work? Jeff to be board liason and ask Sharon about how board can help–Jeff
QR code–Julie
Facebook web page–Julie
Board elections–Al, Jeff, Fred and Julie are up for re-election–Jean
Thank you for donations–John
Next meetings:
April 23 rd at 10am at Jean’s house
May 7th at 9am at Jean’s
June 11th at 9am at Jean’s
Meeting was adjourned at 1:05pm. Motion by julie and 2nd by jeff!
Sincerely ,
Sarah Kirchhoff, Secretary