04/23/2022 PLPOA Board Meeting minutes

Present:  Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff.  Everyone was present and in person.

Meeting came to order at 10:05 at the home of Jean.

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Fred and seconded by Jeff.  Motion carried.

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Julie  2nd by Ginnie.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

ClothingJulie was looking for having a year round store online.  It was becoming super complicated and costly. Jean asked that she reach out to Jarred for clarification.  Julie to look into it further.

The website through identity stores will be available for one week starting July 3rd.  New t-shirt designs, winter clothing items and toddler/ infant apparel will be available this year.  Items are sent directly to the people who order.   This is not a fundraiser.

The t-shirt contest will be postponed until next year due to the number of projects that the board is working on.   

Hat Fundraiser: Hats were ordered and should be available for the annual meeting.  75-80 winter hats and 75 baseball caps will be ordered.

Annual meeting:

Flow at the annual meeting was discussed.  Jean asked that we have the tables for registration, information, No Mo, hats … open at 8:15 so that less congestion when the meeting is supposed to start.  Jeff suggested that we have 2 lines.  Julie said we could do A-L and M-Z at the 2 different lines.  

Al says we have permission to do it outdoors at the Pine Lake Camp.  The chapel is going to be renovated.  It is unknown at this time if the chapel will  be available for backup if it rains.   A rain date was discussed.  

Al:  talk to camp and to Bill Steinmate about using the church on K.  

Fred:   will talk to Lauritzen, Grotta for the boy scout camp

Ginnie:  will talk to the grange

Magnet Give Away with QR code:  Jean requested that we include how the QR code works.  Julie will take care of that.

Agenda: Jean reviewed the 2022 agenda for the meeting.  She will add names to the agenda and work on order.

Jeff suggested we have opportunities for people to sign up for committees at the annual meeting.


Survey:  Mistakes like the date were changed.  Link will be turned on.  Fred was wondering if we wanted to do the mailings or let Lakes and Ponds do it.  The group decided to let Lake and Ponds send the survey out.  Julie made a motion, Jeff 2nd the motion. Motion carried.  

Next steps:  

Lake and Ponds will work with PLPOA to complete our Lake Management Plan.  

Al and Fred met with the group that did the DASH treatment last year.  They gave a bid to do the Proselicor that came in cheaper however they do not do the plant surveys.  Fred will talk with Lake and Ponds about the price difference.

Clean Boats/ Clean Water (CBCW):  Ginnie, Sarah and Al attended the training and received certificates.  Sarah reached out to Golden Sands about doing an in person training for the volunteers.  Chris replied that he would like at least 8 volunteers to be at training as that is a number that they feel can make a program sustainable.

An article will be in the newsletter and a sign up will take place at the annual meeting.  Jeff said that he will donate a chair for Al to volunteer.  

Picnic:  Jeff spoke with Sharon about running the annual picnic.  Jeff will work with her for the gathering.   The Kleutgen’s will be contacted re: willingness to host the picnic again.  Picnic will be July 30th (last Sat. in July).  Committee will check about a porta potty. 

Newsletter:  Jeff will be writing the board opening note.  Julie would like all the articles by the 7th of May.  

Board Election:  Jean asked if Al, Jeff and Julie were willing to run again.  Fred and Jeff spoke with some people on the little lake to be on a board.  A 2 year spot is available for replacing Sharon (who unfortunately is irreplaceable).  No one has been chosen to be on the ballot but may be interested in the upcoming years.

Blood Drive: Gilbert, Long and Twin Lakes were approached to participate in the blood drive.  Gilbert will ask at their board meeting if they are interested.  Long Lake is in.  

Golf Outing/ Fundraiser: A survey was developed by Julie to be included in the newsletter.  Jeff will reach out to Fox Fire and possibly some other courses. 

New Business:

Stamps are going up in June.  Jean requested that John buy some before the price goes up.  John will buy them and put it in for reimbursement.  Jean moved that we buy 200 stamps.  Sarah seconded.  Motion carried.

Lakes Conference:  Sarah attended a ½ day session of the conference and went to a 3 hour presentation on “volunteering”.  This will be helpful information moving forward for the CBCW program.  A “Lake Leader” DNR funded program was talked about.  It is a program that meets for 6 days over a year ( 2 days 3x a year with 3 overnights that meet in varying spots throughout the state).  The next slots are for 2023.  Sarah was wondering if the board or any members have interest in participating in this program.  Several graduates of the program gave rave reviews about the impact on their boards and in their programming.  Julie moves that PLPOA registers 2 people for the lake leadership training for 2023.  Jeff seconded. Motion carried.  ( Ginnie, Sarah and Fred expressed interest in the program).

Fred brought up the idea of having the 4 lakes, Pine, Twin, Long and Gilbert meet together to discuss mutual issues.  Discussion ensued.  No decisions were made.

The May meeting will be canceled.  The next meeting will be on June 11th, 2022 at 9:00am. 

Meeting was adjourned at 12:50pm.   Motion by Al and 2nd by Jeff!


Sarah Kirchhoff
