06/11/2022 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present:  Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff.  Everyone was present and in person.

Meeting came to order at  9:03am at the home of Jean Medway .               

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by John and seconded by  Al.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s  Report:  A discussion ensued about the information provided by the treasurer in order to present the budget at the annual meeting.

EWM:  $8000 covers lake management plan, public survey, aquatic plant mapping, data analysis of plant surveys and meeting with lake association/ annual meeting.  Chemical treatment not included in the above monies.  The chemical treatment was projected to cost approximately $29,000 last year.  This may change if EWM has spread more.  

Annual Picnic: still has a budget but due to the generosity of the picnic team it has not been touched.  Monies will continue to be budgeted for the meeting.

Mailings:  costs have gone up so the budget will reflect additional costs.  Julie suggested sending it in color. $1000 in this section.  Motion made by Fred and 2nd by Al.Training 

Membership for Wisconsin Lakes:  $250

Other Donations:  Youth, firefighters  $200

Promotions:  $3000 (funds to pay upfront for our fundraisers)

Dues:   currently $20 agreed to stay at $20

John proposed to take $2500 out of savings to balance the budget 22-23 lake year.  Fred made a motion to take money out of savings to cover expenses not covered by dues.  Julie 2nd it.  

Motion to accept treasurer's report by  Al.    2nd by Fred.  Motion carried.  

Old Business:

Jean thanked Julie for the beautiful newsletter.  Jeff received positive feedback for the letter.  The group thanked Jeff for writing the amazing “letter from the board”.

Members for the board:  Jean has a neighbor who volunteered to be on the board unless we have other people who are interested.  Jeff will talk to another person of interest and get back to the board. A few other names were floated around to ask.   We will only have a ballot if more than 1 name on the  ballot. Jean will also ask for any nominations from the floor.

Welcome Wagon:  John inquired to see if we are welcoming new lake owners with a packet.  Suggested that we have a subcommittee do it by Sarah.  Jean requested we table this until the September meeting.  Jeff suggested we ask for volunteers at the annual meeting and is willing to present.

Agenda:  Jean distributed the agenda for the annual meeting.  Changes were made to the order based on the speaker coming for milfoil.




Treasurer’s report

QR code

Election (if necessary)

PL activities ( NOMO, boat parade, golf outing), Blood Drive, Clothing, Welcome Committee)

Results of Election

Old business from the floor

New Business from the Floor

Motion to Adjourn

Discussion ensued on how to set up registration so that the flow is expedited.  2 tables will be set up with A-L and M-Z with 2 people at each table at the double doors.  All other doors will be shut.

Jean will bring easles and Julie will bring a white board–unless we are using the screen.  Al will find out if pews/ screens are in the chapel.   2 pm on friday Al will be at camp to set up for any board members available. Jeff has a PA system in case needed.  Al will let him know if he needs it.  Jeff will pick up signs for the annual meeting and get them up 1 week before.

Picnic:  Jeff will take care of getting the signs up for the picnic as well.  Sharon has the signs.  

EWM:  No news yet from the surveys.  147 surveys were returned.    The application for the Lake Management Plan will not 

be complete until the end of July.

New Business:

Fish Sticks:  Al worked with camp to get some floating tree trunks ( the ones that were put in at the point).  2 of them had come loose and were hitting the camp pier.  They only pulled out the 2  that were floating out into the lake.  

Meeting was adjourned at  11:40 am.   Motion by Jeff and 2nd by Julie.                               !

The next meeting will be on September 10th at 10:00am.  


Sarah Kirchhoff
