07/02/2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

PLPOA ANNUAL Meeting—7-2-2022

Meeting came to order by Jean Medway at the Pine Lake CrossWays Lutheran Camp Chapel at 9:04 am. 

Jean introduced Fred Koch who updated people on what we’ve tried to accomplish to date regarding EWM. He introduced Jim Scharl to discuss the Lake Management plan. 

Lake Management plan and invasive species:

Presentation by Jim Scharl  from Lake and Pond Resource LLC. He thanked everyone for their participation in the survey. He said it was a great response rate, 148 total. We need a new plan every 5 years. Our current one is expired. The new one will address changes in the lake and changes to new treatment options. The average lake user has a very long history on the lake. Next step is to write the plan. We will distribute the draft to the PLPOA members and ask for comments. 

  • Q: Is this a plan to manage or eradicate. 

    A: There has been no proof that any lake has ever been eradicated. Jim expects the chemical to give us good results. We’ll get rid of 99% of it but we’ll get it down to a manageable level. 

  • Q. What’s the expected cost for the first year of treatment? 

    A: 60-65K in 2023. Hoping 65% of it will be covered by the state.

  • Q: Hybridization of the EWM?

    A: Yes hybrid plants will be targeted too.

  • Q: Side effects to other populations. (other fish and plant species.) 

    A: Chemical might affect other plants, no effect on fish. We will provide a 1-2 day irrigation warning. After that it should be ok to use. 

  • Q: Can we expedite?

    A: No, we are bound by DNR playbook.

  • Q: What are the basic causes of the proliferation. 

    A: It's a non-native species so it has no natural predators.

  • Q: Fragmentation exacerbates the spread. There are so many jet skis on the west end that just keep going and going. This member asked that people be considerate about doing this and spreading the milfoil. 

    A: It’s a difficult thing trying to get people to do this. 

  • Q: If left untreated what can be expected?

    A: The west side is shallower so it has about 80% of the area. Silver Lake and others in the area have been managing it for years. 

  • Q: Plan for 5 years from now?

    A: Annual survey, launch GPS points. Everyone can help. We want to get it down to minimal or no maintenance. 

  • Q: Hand pulling effectiveness? 

    A: Can be done and you can go out 30’ into the water. Pull all roots and fragments. 

  • Q:  Any benefit to limiting public access. 

    A: you can put a map out to the public sign stating where there is milfoil but you can’t limit 

  • Q: Can homeowners spread their own chemicals? 

    A: Yes but you need a permit for it. 

  • Q: What are the chances of getting a permit? 

    A: Pretty good. You can get them.

  • Q: What about residual and decomposition. 

    A: Breaks down in sunlight.

  • Q: Does the chemical kill the plant down to the root? 

    A: Yes, even 7-10 days after application it might still look healthy. But later it will start breaking up and any fragments will be dead.

  • Q: Product Name for personal use. 

    A: Any granular, best one might be Navigate. 2-4D base. OK Results. 

  • Q: What is your product?

    A: Procelacor.

  • Q: Is there any chance that we can genetically modify the plant to limit growth. 

    A: We're not there yet. Might be something out there in 10 years. 

  • Q: Future issues with other invasive species? 

    A: Starry stonewort. Water hyacinth. If the climate warms up this could open us all up to other plants never seen before. 

Everyone was very appreciative of the presentation. 

Fred. Procellacor $28K treatment approx. + Other items 

Clean Boats Clean Water:  presented by Ginnie Detloff. 

This is one of the requirements to apply for state DNR Grant. A volunteer program requiring 200 man hours at the boat launch from Memorial day to Labor day. We are going to start July 16th at Sarah’s shed. 9:00 AM.  It’s just an educational program. You’re talking to the boaters about what’s on their trailer. We are not cleaning their boats or trailers. Boaters have been receptive at other lakes in the area. Chris will apply for the grant this fall. We won’t be able to get our 200 hours in this summer but we want to show a good faith effort. 

Resolution for the Grants:  

Fred moved that we will approve the resolution for the grants. Lori Henderson moved to accept, Jim Reiskytl seconded. Everyone agreed Motion carried. 

Minutes from the 2021 annual meeting were presented.  Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Tom Pritzlaff, and seconded by Bill Frayer.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  John Hedstrom, Treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report for the fiscal year June 1, 2021- May 31, 2022

John offered thanks to everyone who donated to the milfoil fund. 

Tom Pritzlaff moved to provide $100 to WeReallyKare fishing club. Bill Powell seconded.  Discussion ensued. Motion passed. 

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Brandon Stern  2nd by                                      Jim Reiskytl.  Motion carried.

QR code: presented by Julie Verhaalen

Election: Jim Henderson added in as a write-in candidate.


  • NOMO:  5:00pm to 6:30 on July 2.  Please remember to wear life jackets during the event.

  • Picnic: July 30. Big thank you to the Kleutgens. Sharon Rossebo is still running the picnic. Anyone who wants to serve on the committee please let Jeff Price know. 

  • Boat Parade: New starting point. Look for Jeff. 

  • Golf Outing: Jeff Price, Saturday of Labor day weekend. See Jeff if you’re interested. 

  • Blood Drive: Ginnie Detloff reported that the blood drive will take place on Sat. Sept 3rd from 7:30-12:30 at the driveway of Bill and Jan Powell.  Sign-up with Beth Van Dyke.  Long and Gilbert Lakes will join with Pine Lake to increase the number of pints donated. 

  • Clothing Website: Ginnie announced that the website is open already through next Sunday (July 10th).  There are many new items including a new t-shirt sunset design on the back of t-shirts and infant clothing. A shout out was made to Jennifer McCann for her time spent designing and developing the products.

  • Welcome Committee: We are looking for volunteers to help out to welcome new members on the lake. 

Results of Election: 

  • Al Betz, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Julie Verhaalen, Jim Henderson. 

Old Business from the Floor: none

New Business from the Floor: none

Motion to Adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 10:31 Motion by Scott Lang and 2nd by Jim Frayer         

The next meeting will be on July 1, 2023 at 9:00am

Respectfully Submitted
Substitute Secretary, Julie Verhaalen