9/10/22 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

PLPOA Meeting—9-10-22

Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff. Jeff Price and Jim Henderson were remote, Fred Koch not present.

Meeting came to order at 10:05 am at the home of Jean Medway. Motion to accept minutes of the annual meeting were approved by John and seconded by Al. Motion carried.

Motion to accept minutes of the June 11, 2022 meeting were approved by Al and seconded by Julie with correction to the mailings section to change the amount to $100 and edit the motion to read “Motion made by Fred and 2nd by Al to do the mailings in color”. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: see copy

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Ginnie 2nd by Al. Motion carried.

Old Business:

We Really Care fishing club: This organization asked for $100 at the annual meeting. John has a line item for charities and will just pay for it out of that. It has been a group that has been supported by the lake. Discussion ensued regarding appropriateness of the request. Jean suggested that we have a list of charities that the association supports each year at the annual meeting for open disclosure. Jim expressed that members should not vote on the list of charities but can have input. Julie will write a letter to We Really Care to include with the check. The letter will request that We Really Care notify the lake association of activities that it is supporting on and in Pine Lake. Julie will send the letter to board members for approval.

EWM: The deadline for the grant is 9/15. Jim Schaerel, with support and encouragement from Chris, is working on submitting the grant. Sarah requested that we resurvey the lake prior to any treatment due to additional patches observed.

PINE LAKE PICNIC : Grill: The grill requires 4 new burners. The grill is 20 years old. The steel burners are 60-70$ each, the stainless burners are $120-140/ burner. They will need to be bought via the internet. Al will do more research regarding best options. Jeff suggested that we just continue to rent a grill for $100 per year. Al moved that we sell the current grill and rent a grill moving forward seconded by John. Motion Carried.

CBCW: The CBCW training by Chris from Golden Sands was attended by 46 volunteers. Ted Van Dyke won the Pine Lake Hat door prize. 24 volunteers provided 66 hours of time for the 5 weeks. Sue and Ted Van Dyke volunteered the most hours.

CLOTHING SALES: Over 400 items of clothing were sold via Identity Stores. This was not a fundraiser Julie started an online store with no upfront cost. Each campaign can last from 1-15 days. People are able to order all year long. Shipping is $4.99. She has already shown a profit of over $900. Julie can also do custom orders for a family reunion. Julie has supplied our non profit status. She put down her title as “Marketing Director”. Jean moved that Julie adopts the title of Marketing Director on the board. Second by Sarah. Motion Carried. Jarred made this website available on his rental site. Jean requested this information go out to other rental properties. Julie will look into a t-shirt contest for next spring/ summer.

BLOOD DRIVE: The blood drive took place on 9/3. 30 successful pints of blood were given with 90 lives saved. People attended from Gilbert Lake, Long Lake, Springwater Town Board and Pine Lake.

WELCOMING GROUP: Mae Lauritzen and Nancy Lauters have volunteered to serve on this committee. Judy Betz has provided some Pine Lake Swag to give out with a welcome note.

Sarah will convene the volunteers and get a letter written for the board to preview. Fred developed a brochure for the association.

ADOPT A HIGHWAY: The lake association is listed on the sign. We have 2 stretches of the highway on County K. Jean will ask for new volunteers for the program in the fall newsletter.

PINE LAKE SIGNS: Jeff suggested that the signs could be used for other events such as the blood drive and the CBCW!

NEWSLETTER: Ginnie volunteered to write the opening letter for the newsletter. Articles are due by 11/3 to Julie.

New Business: No New Business Meeting was adjourned at 12:31pm. Motion by John and 2nd by Ginnie.

The next meeting will be on October 22nd at 10:00am. A special session may need to be called.

Additional meeting dates: December 3 & January 14. Jeff requests that we consider an August meeting date.

Sarah Kirchhoff