Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz and Sarah Kirchhoff. Jim Henderson was available via Zoom. Everyone was present. Meeting came to order at 10:01 am at the home of Jean.
Jean asked about any changes in the positions. Julie agreed to take over the VP job from Al.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by John and seconded by Al. Motion carried. Motion to accept treasurer's report by Julie 2nd by Fred. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Newsletter: Get your article to Julie by Nov. 3rd. Ginnie is writing the opening to the newsletter.
EWM: Updates by Fred: The Lake Management Plan went into the DNR for approval in October. Chris and Fred are continuing to work on the grant. Just a few more revisions and forms are left to complete. The Grant is due by November 15. Fred will look into the CBCW portion of the grant.
Donations: Update for We Really Kare Fish donation: Money will be sent with a letter from the Board ( written by Julie) requesting information on the projects the club is doing in/on Pine Lake.
New Business:
VRBO: Jared is sending links to renters for Pine Lake Wear. Jean is wondering if we could request that other rental owners send out links.
MERCHANDISE: Ideas for new merchandise were brought up by Jean such as an umbrella. Meeting was adjourned at 11:34 am. Motion by Al and 2nd by Ginnie!
Quickest meeting yet! Way to go BOARD! The next meeting will be on December 3rd at 10:00am. The following meeting is scheduled for January 14th at 10 am.
Sarah Kirchhoff