Present: Ginnie Detloff, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff. Jeff Price was absent. Julie Verhaalen, Jim Henderson and John Hedstrom were in attendance via zoom. Meeting came to order at 10:06 at the home of Jean.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Al and seconded by Fred. Motion carried.
Motion to accept Treasurer's report by Fred 2nd by Jean. Motion carried.
Old Business:
EWM– Grant was submitted. A checklist review was completed by the DNR. Award announcement is expected by mid February.
CBCW –a grant was submitted for monies for supplies for the project.
Welcome Committee: The committee met in November to begin a welcome letter. Mae Lauritzen said that her husband Tom would be a part of the welcomers. A welcome letter is being developed. The board gave their suggestions and corrections. It will be brought back to the committee. A final copy will be brought back to the board for approval. The committee will start this spring with their “meet and greet” activities. Jean has some extra hardcopies of the Pine Times for the welcoming packet.
Newsletter: A request was made by Sarah to explore going to electronic newsletters again. Anyone that would like a hardcopy would still be sent one. This would need to happen at the annual meeting. Overall the response was positive for adding color to the newsletter. The only concern was cost as time goes on.
Stamps: Jean suggested that we buy more stamps as prices are going up again. Ted says that newsletters are in the 2 ounce range. John still has extra stamps. Al suggested we make sure we have enough stamps to cover our next mailing. Fred says there are 2 ounce forever stamps. Fred asked about meter mailing.
Springwater meeting: No one was able to attend in November.
New Business:
Auditing: It was asked if the treasurer was bonded and if we have an auditing process. Fred will ask a neighbor if he is willing to do the auditing and give suggestions for the process of auditing going forward. Jim will help set up a spreadsheet with our fundraisers. John recommended that we do an audit when we change treasurers next year. In the meantime, John suggested we do an internal audit. Jim recommended we do it annually or every 2 years. Fred suggested we go back 4 years for the audit. This would take into account the years we did not have any financial output for EWM treatment. Jean moved that we have an independent audit of the finances prior to the 2023 annual meeting. Ginnie 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:17. Motion by Fred and 2nd by Al.
The next meeting will be on February 18th at 10:00am. Unless something big comes up and then Jean will convene a January meeting on the 14th.
Other meeting dates:
March 18th at 10am
April 15th at 10am
May 13th at ?
June 10th at 9am
July 1–annual meeting 9 am
Sarah Kirchhoff