Present: Ginnie Detloff, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff, Jim Henderson. Julie Verhaalen, Jeff Price and John Hedstom zoomed into the meeting.
Meeting came to order at 10:00am at the home of Jean.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Jim and seconded by Al. Motion carried.
Motion to accept treasurer's report by Jim 2nd by Julie. Motion carried.
Check was written to Ted for Newsletter and stamps. Current amount in savings is $47,915.20 and savings $5495.96. Motion to approve sending $200.00 to WI Lakes by Fred and seconded by Al. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Hats: Sarah reported a $887 profit; 4 baseball caps left and 13 knit hats.
EWM: Pine Lake received the WDNR grant for $41,538.00, a 3 year grant. Fred will get more specifics on how we access those funds. This grant provides a percentage of money for what the PLPOA spends. Jim suggested that we get a checklist of what the DNR is looking for when scoring grants (Our grant scored 2nd from the bottom).
Next steps:
Sign grant contract/ agreement when it is received (we have 30 days).
Spot Survey–accomplished with Lake and Ponds
Fred will check back with the bids for the treatment.
Apply for the permit–the applicator.
Goal to administer is June.
Meet with Jim and set up a time table.
Julie will put out communication for the PLPOA via facebook, website and mail chimp letting them know we received the 3 year grant and that we will keep them informed when we know next steps.
CBCW: PLPOA received a grant for $750.00 that can be used for promoting the program for volunteers such as t-shirts and the like. A refresher session has been set up for the Sat. of Memorial Day weekend ( 5/27) at the boat landing with Chris from Golden Sands. More information coming in March.
We Really Kare (WRK): Jean received a letter from WRK thanking PLPOA for our donation and giving information on what the club did for our lake. It was discussed that we have representation at one of our meetings (from a Pine Lake owner who is a member of WRK) so that PLPOA can know in advance what is being put into PL and in the future we can work together. Fred, also a member of WRK, will reach out to the club to see what we can next.
Design a t-shirt: Jean suggested maybe having a child do a design as well.
Pine Lake Wear: Nicole ( a PLPO and rents her cottage) will put a link out to her rental people in case they want to purchase pine lake merchandise. Jean suggested that there are some other rental places that may be interested in the link as well. Julie will keep the online site going for Pine Lake merchandise.
Welcome Committee: Sarah needs to reconvene so that the new people can be welcomed. 2 new owners are on Pine Lake. Julie sent the names.
Audit: Audit will be done when there is a change in treasurers next.
New Business:
Spring Newsletter: Usually goes out mid-May
Annual Meeting: Chapel will be available. Meeting will be held on July 1st. We need to discuss our annual give away ( Jean suggested note pads with our logo). Pine Lake Cards were suggested. Bring ideas to our next meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:54am. Motion by Jim and 2nd by Ginnie !
The next meeting will be on March 18, 2023 at AL’s at 10:00am.
Sarah Kirchhoff