Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff and Jim Henderson. Jeff Price was present via zoom Jean was absent (and enjoying herself on a cruise).
Meeting came to order at 10:06 am at the home of Ginnie. Craig Strebig ( – Lynn is secretary–put any correspondence attn: Craig) from We Really Kare Fishing Club came to talk with the board about their program. They focus on fish habitat, stocking fish and getting people fishing. Discussion ensued about how we can work together to benefit the lake with input into the fish being put in as well as concerns with fish sticks and cribs. A question was asked about using cribs versus sticks. Cribs are put 6 feet below water. Property owners gave permission for the trees/ fish sticks to be put in in the past. Concerns were expressed about the safety of boaters with the trees/ fish sticks. Moving forward, how can we have more of a say in what is put in the lake? Craig encouraged representation at the WRK meetings. Craig supports stocking native species. A letter to WRK, expressing the wishes of the property owners, would be helpful as well. WRK’s next meeting is in May. Craig also suggested reaching out to Scott Bunde with the DNR (c: xxx-xxx-xxxx and w: xxx-xxx-xxxx). Who will write the letter? Al will look into writing the letter.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Jim and seconded by Fred. Motion carried.
Motion to accept treasurer's report by Jim 2nd by Al. Motion carried. An additional sub savings account will be set up for the grant monies to better track them. A motion to reimburse John for $25.00 for the WI annual report tax revenue by Fred and 2nd by Al. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Hats/ fundraisers: We have 4 baseball caps and 2 knit caps left. Total raised so far from the fundraiser is $1067.00.
EWM: A meeting took place with Jim S. ( Lake and Ponds),Fred, Ginnie and Sarah on 3/17/23. Jim will start the permit process. Next steps are:
1. Permit ( Lake and Ponds)
2. Put out a public announcement of treatment (Lake and Ponds will write it and the committee will get it into appropriate places).
3. Send information out to all property owners regarding the process and time frame. ( this can take place via website, facebook and a postcard—Lake and Ponds will create the postcard).
4. Signage will be put up at boat landing and the shoreline on each property that the treatment impacts ( Lake and Ponds). Jim is hoping that all of the above will take place during May/ early June. We will need volunteers to take lake water samples after the treatment occurs ( Ginnie, Sarah, Fred… others?).
CBCW: Julie ordered the lanyards. Training will occur on 5/27/23, the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend at 9 am at the boat landing. 6/2-4 is the Drain the boat campaign.
Sarah and Ginnie will work with Gilbert lake to find out the program they use for online sign up. Al suggested we have a computer available at the training for sign up.
T-shirt fundraiser: Julie will put out information for an adult and youth t-shirt designer. It was suggested that the voting could take place during the annual meeting.
Financial Review: It was suggested that this should happen before the next PLPOA election. John to contact Scott Jensen.
PINE LAKE TIMES: articles due by May 5th
Welcome Committee–Sarah
Blood Drive–Sarah
Pine Lake Wear–Julie
Annual meeting ( July 1st)–Jean
Annual Meeting Giveaway: $200.00 for 100 post it notes
New Business: Letter to WRK: Al
New Sales: Jennifer Mccann volunteered to look into Pine Lake Flags. The board agreed to let her look into it.
Paddle board races: Jeff wondered if we wanted to start them up again. He does not want to do it however. It was suggested that it be brought up at the annual meeting.
Additional give away idea: PINE LAKE clings or stickers for cars? Julie will look into it and send it out to the board for input.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:10pm Motion by Fred and 2nd by Al!
The next meeting will be on April 15th at 10:00 am at the home of Jean.
Sarah Kirchhoff