4/15/23 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz and Jim Henderson. Sarah was not present.

Meeting came to order at 10:04 at the home of Jean Medway.

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting as changed were approved by Fred and seconded by John. Motion carried.

John questioned his task to talk to the accountant. He knew there was discussion but had not been given information regarding contact information.

Jean asked if we had discussed the boat parade and if we are still doing it. It had not been discussed at the last meeting, but everyone agreed we are still doing it. Jeff agreed to lead again this year in both the big and small lakes. After discussing when we would have it, where we would have it, and should we replace NoMo, a decision was made to table for a later date.

John gave an update on the man we had offered help earlier in the year to get to a doctor's appointment. He just had surgery in Milwaukee. His mom had called John.

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Ginnie 2nd by Jim. Motion carried.

$10,384.50 received from grant

John opened a new acct to keep money separate; closed old account. Will get better interest in new account. Gave Jean paperwork to sign and take to the bank. We now have one checking and two 2 savings accounts.

Old Business:

Up for election at this year's annual meeting: Jean, Sarah, Ginnie, John.

Jim will take on an accounting position from John. John will remain a member at large. Jean will put us all up for reelection and ask for volunteers. Julie will take the Vice President position. Al will stay a member at large.

Jean suggested running a repeat article to ask if people want something added to the annual meeting prior to the actual meeting.

Discussion initiated by Jim regarding if we should be asking for updated email in the newsletter. Julie stated she doesn't have 8 members' emails. Jean wondered if it's ok to ask Ted for so few. Fred suggested using graphic associates in Wild Rose for printing, if need be.

Ginnie gave brief summary from Springwater Township meeting: New VRBO on Long Lake accepts 24 occupants. Everett retired from board after 34 years of service. Gilbert Lake is looking into doing a fun run as a fundraiser on July 4th weekend. Burn ban in effect.

Jean asked if we got information at the last meeting regarding We Really Care Fishing Club’s future plans for Pine Lake. Al said he decided against sending a letter regarding walleye stocking. He said that has to be addressed at the annual meeting as all members have a say in what should be asked of the club. Al explained his boat launch survey results of winter fishing: Pine Lake has more ice fisher people per day than Long and Gilbert Lakes. Discussion regarding getting a new representative for PL at We Care meetings. Fred explained that We Care meets with the DNR in the spring. Even if We Care says what it is stocking, the DNR makes final determination. Al stated the new biologist seems to be against stocking walleye where they don't reproduce. Jim said he would probably join and go to some meetings and represent PL.

Jean asked if we have for sale items, or just online?

Julie filled the board in on the cost of clings to give away instead of post-it notes. Will look at playing cards. Discussion ensued regarding clings vs front adhesive or back adhesive stickers:
Clings: 4x4 150=113.00
Front adhesive Stickers 3x3 150= 75.00 on sale. Discussed what to put on sticker. 5x3 $158.00 would be custom size. Maybe no discount. Board chose back adhesive, not front. Oval similar in color and shape to the previous sticker. Jim made a motion to purchase up to 400 at Julie's discretion
after pricing it out. Ginnie second. ***$263.00 for 500. Motion amended to 500.

New Business:

Jean asked about the boat launch. Wondered about asking for gravel. Fred said the township won’t add more at this time. Bushes where a lot of water remains is privately owned. Al discussed septic pumping discount that Long Lake is getting from Maverick Septic. Al will check into pricing.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:24 Motion by Jim and 2nd by Al.

The next meeting will be on May 13 at 10 :00 am Jean’s house.

Ginnie Detloff
Member at Large