Present: John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff. Jim was present via zoom, Ginnie was absent (and having fun we hope). Meeting came to order at 9:02am at the home of Jean.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by John and seconded by Al. Motion carried.
Motion to accept treasurer's report by Al, 2nd by Fred. Motion carried. See copy
Old Business:
EWM: Treatment will take place, hopefully, at the end of this upcoming week.
Agenda for the Annual meeting : Jean asked if we are missing anything for the agenda. The meeting is July 1 at 9am.
WRK: Al attended the WRK spring meeting. They put in about $6000 of fish this year. They raise about $50,000 at their annual fundraiser. The last year Walleye were put in the lake was in 2022. Crappies and Perch were put in this year. No fish cribs were put in any lakes. The new DNR representative, per report, wants to plant local fish that can reproduce. John asked if we should become members with our next donation. It will be discussed when a donation request comes to the board. Al will explore who the fish biologist for the DNR is in this area and get more information. Fred let Al know that Dave Bartz is the biologist for the area.
Signage for the annual meeting: Jeff had a suggestion that the signs could be used for other information for the association. Sarah would love to use them for the blood drive.
New Business:
Lake study: Gavin Dehnert from the UW Madison and WI Sea Grant who works with pesticides and looks at how they impact native species. He is working with the DNR. They are requesting permission from PLPOA to study Pine Lake before and after the application of Procellacor. They are looking at the impact of the pesticide application on aquatic plants. In addition they will do a small fish study (they put minnows in a contained bucket and study the minnows). He will return after the survey and report the finding. They will do a pre assessment prior to the application and then 28 days and 1 year. Hoping to even do a yearly survey until the lake retreats. Will be looking at trend data with multiple lakes. Julie will put out information for the association so that everyone is aware of the project. There is NO cost for the study. They will keep the lake updated with the results.
Fred moved to approve the study and Al seconded it. Motion carried.
A presentation will take place at the annual meeting. In addition, they will present some results at the PLPOA picnic.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:58am. Motion by Fred and 2nd by Al. Motion Carried !
The next board meeting will be on August 26th at 9:00am
Sarah Kirchhoff