5/13/23 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch,Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff. Jeff Price was present via zoom. Jim Henderson was absent.

Meeting came to order at 10:07 am at the home of Jean.

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Fred and seconded by Julie. Motion carried.

Motion to accept treasurer's report ( see copy with minutes) by Al 2nd by Fred. Motion carried. Fiscal year ends 5/23.

Old Business:

EWM: The permit has been granted by the DNR. The announcement was put in the Waushara Argus newspaper. The newsletter will include the mailing for the EWM process and notification per requirements. The next step will be a point survey prior to treatment.

T-shirt contest: Julie stated that 1 adult and 1 child have entered the contest so far. She will have the entries put on line for voting ( no names) and then the t-shirts designs will be available online for purchasing.

New Treasurer: Prior to passing the torch, John would like a subcommittee to look at the books as recommended in the past. This would take place after the annual meeting before the September meeting. Jeff suggested that we ask the membership for 2 volunteers to be on the committee. Jim, John, 1 current board member and 2 members of the association was the recommendation for the subcommittee.

Flags (3x5): Jennifer McCann is willing to design a flag. If we decide to do this it was suggested that people should sign up at the annual meeting– pre order and prepay. Al recommended that we order a couple of extras out of the promotion budget (5) at the most.

Blood Drive: Jan Powell has donated a beautiful quilt to be raffled off (anyone signed up for the drive will be entered) if we get a 10% increase in participation.

Newsletter: All articles are due to Julie ASAP

WRK: Al is attending the spring meeting this afternoon.

Annual meeting: Meeting will start at 9am in the chapel at the PINE LAKE CAMP. Presales start at 8:30am. We will not know if we will be having an election until after the meeting commences.

Jean presented an agenda. Should we ask about interest in the paddle boat races? Possibly do it the weekend of the picnic? Ask if anyone would be willing to take charge of it? Jeff is willing to present this. Jean will have the revised agenda at the next meeting. Julie will be available to get a list of people who would like to continue to get a hard copy of the PINE TIMES as well as email updates.

Septic Pumping: Julie Van Dyke was able to set up with Maverick to have a deal for pumping if we had a large number of properties to pump in the area. Al will touch base with her for more information and put it into the newsletter.

New Business:

2023-24 Budget:

2022-23 Budget discussion: (see copies attached to minutes)

  • EWM expenditure: $55,400.00 was on the surface grant agreement but it will be more due to additional cost of increased milfoil growth. Permit was for 11-12 acres. Jean asked about what happens in the area where the EWM was–do we need to put in some natives? Fred will ask Jim Scharl.

  • CBCW: $250.00 —grant was for $750 but we need to contribute 25% of $1000 in order to get the $750 from the DNR.

  • MAILING: $1000–we will be exploring sending The Pine Times via email and mailing those that prefer that route at the annual meeting. This would help offset the increased cost of postage, paper, ink and the like.

  • OPERATIONS: This is a catch all so increasing this to $1500.

  • DONATIONS: $200

  • PROMOTIONS: $3000.00–Some of this will be recouped and some is for stickers and the like.

  • PICNIC: $750

  • Under Income: The INVASIVE FUND will increase to add grant monies –$41,538 (can be spent over 3 years and the association needs to contribute 25%). PROMOTIONS will increase to $3000

  • Motion to accept the budget by Fred, 2nd by Al. Motion Carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:59.Motion by Fred and 2nd by Ginnie! Motion carried.

The next meeting will be on June 10th at 9:00am.

Sarah Kirchhoff Secretary