Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 9:01 by Jean Medway at the Pine Lake CrossWays Lutheran Camp Chapel.
EWM treatment: Fred Koch and Luke (from the UW of Madison who is working with an emerging contaminants scientist) spoke. Fred gave an update on the EWM treatment– it was treated on Monday, June 19th with ProCelicor.
Luke answered questions related to their project which involves looking at the impact of Procelicor on fish, invertebrates and plants. The team is conducting experiments to determine the impact from 0 to 28 days post treatment. This research is free of charge.
Question: How are you looking at the impact on fish?
Answer: We are using fathead minnows contained in buckets.
Q: What have you seen in other lakes with the minnows?
A: No results yet
Q: What do you know about this chemical versus 2-4D?
A: People are able to swim/ be in the water while being treated. It is thought to be less harmful to plants and fish. It is the desire of this project to verify these claims with more research.
Q: How are you looking at plant life?
A: We are analyzing different samples at various parts of the lake to see how concentration levels of the chemical affect plants throughout the lake
Q: Does the ProCelicor spread?
A: Yes, it will move throughout the water –fluid.
What PLPOA and Lake and Ponds did:
Spot survey on the 6/16/23
6/17/23 minnow were placed in lake
6/19/23 the lake was treated
13 acres were treated–10.1 gallons of chemical
Looking good visibly as far as impact to EWM
Water samples at 3-6-9- hours, 1 day, 2 days and 7 days. Samples were sent to a laboratory in IL. This was part of our planned survey with the treatment and not part of the research at the UW of Madison.
4 parts of the lake were sampled ( this is separate from the 6 areas that the UW group sampled to look at fish, plants and invertebrates)
Another survey will be conducted by for grant purposes by the first week of August ( either the end of july or beginning of August)
Q: Does the chemical have a residual?
A: Breaks up fast but the lab in IL is the only lab that can study down to super small amounts. We will know more after the results are back from the water samples collected.
Q: What do we do with debris turning up on the beaches?
A: Remove it from beach
Q : Fish Kill–what is the cause?
A: Happens sometimes, but no one knows the real cause.
Jean thanked all who helped with the EWM
Minutes from 2022
No corrections or additions.
Motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Bruce Ellingson and seconded by Bill Frayer. Motion carried.
Treasurer's report / budget
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, John Hedstrom was unable to be present. Jim Henderson stepped in to help out. Jim will be taking over the treasurer's role in the near future.
Jim presented the budget and revenues as well as how monies were spent. The grant covers 75% of the treatment and the association makes up the additional 25%. Initially, the PLPOA has to pay for the treatment and the grant will reimburse the 75%. Volunteer hours also count toward the 25%. Thank you to all for the amazing donations.
Additional questions unrelated to EWM:
Q: Where does PLOPA give donations?
A: WI lakes, WRK (We Really Kare fishing club) and other places if requests come in.
Q: Is the association going to do a treasurer’s audit?
A: A board member spoke with a CPA and they did not recommend a huge audit but as the role of treasurer is turned over to a new member, an internal audit will take place with members from PLPOA and board members.
Q: Is the treasurer bonded? A concern was raised that there is a lot of money in the account due to the donations for EWM
A: The president did look into the bonding process and thought the cost was large ($5000.00). The bank account should be getting smaller due to the ability to finally treat for EWM. However, the board will look into this again.
Tom Pritzlaff put forth a motion to have the treasurer get bonded. Discussion ensued. Some members asked about the cost. Carol Voss made a new motion to look into the cost of bonding and present this information at the next annual meeting. Bruce Ellingson 2nd the motion. The motion carried.
Motion to accept treasurer report and budget was made by Fred Koch and seconded by Julie Verhaalen. Motion carried.
Election: There were no new volunteers for additional board members or names put forward for the ballot. A motion was made to accept the returning board members (Sarah Kirchhoff, Jean Medway, Ginnie Detloff and John Hedstrom) for 2 more years. Motion by Judy Gutermuth 2nd by Bill Frayer. Motion Carried.
News Letter Change
Julie Verhaalen explained the change to newsletter distribution with the goal of email delivery/ electronic delivery starting in the fall. People can mail a request to Julie V to receive a hard copy and it will continue to be mailed or members can print off their own copy when you receive it via email. This will save costs and allow the newsletter to be larger as well as the information to be sent out in a more timely manner and more frequently if needed.
PINE LAKE ACTIVITIES: Pine Lake activities were shared
CBCW (Sarah Kirchhoff)–almost 100 hours have been accrued by volunteers. Members were encouraged to continue to put in hours at the boat launch to reach the 200 hours needed for the grant money.
Welcome committee ( Sarah Kirchhoff)-- Mae and Tom Lauritzen are ready to start welcoming new people to the lake. Please continue to send names to them or Sarah Kirchhoff.
Blood Drive (Sarah Kirchhoff)–The blood drive will take place on September 2nd at the Powell driveway starting at 7:30 am. Please sign up to donate. Last year 30 pints were collected with 90 lives saved. If we are able to get 33 people to give blood, Jan Powell will donate a beautiful fall quilt she made to be raffled off for all those volunteering at the drive. What an incredible donation of time and talent!
Pine Lake flags (Sarah Kirchhoff)–flags will be ordered this week for all those who have signed up and paid. A notice will go out when the flags arrive for distribution.
Boat parade (Jeff Price in costume): This will take place at 7:30 pm tonight. All boats should meet at the point. Boats will go into the big and small lakes with Jeff Price presiding as the grand marshall
Picnic (Jeff Price): The annual picnic will be held from 11am-2pm on July 29th at the Kluetgen’s. Once again they have graciously offered their place as well as food and drink. Jeff Price made a plug for their bowling alley in Plainfield. At the picnic, delicious corn, burgers, chips and all the fixings will be free to all who attend. The annual trivia contest will once again be spearheaded by the Dokmo’s with some competitive cornholing to round out the event.
Paddle boat races (Jeff Price): Years ago, paddle boat races were organized and run by the Raditze family. Jeff Price is curious if there is any interest in starting this tradition back up. If anyone wants to volunteer to be on a committee for the races please see Jeff in back after the meeting or contact him.
NOMO– AKA no motors–(Ginnie Detloff): The NOMO will take place tonight from 5-6:30pm. Get a fish stringer from Ginnie Detloff in the back of the church. You start with the top color on your stringer and visit the piers with the matching colored flag. Continue to go in order down the stringer visiting all 6 colored flags. At each site you will pick a fish. Each fish has an amount. This is not a speed contest. The boat with the most points as well as best spirit will win a prize! Flags plus t-shirts of coordinating colors will be visible from the water. When it is calm it can be difficult to see the flags therefore pier participants are welcome–and encouraged– to wear the t-shirt.
Pine lake Wear (Julie Verhaalen)– This new enterprise has raised over $2000 ( Way to go Julie and all who bought the items). A great perk is that one can order gear all year round.
T-shirt contest: ( Julie Verhaalen)-- This contest had 2 categories, over 16 and under 16. The winning designs were available for people to order and were truly fabulous and fun.
Natalie Esterling–10$ amazon gift card
Cody Emig–His mom, Randy, accepted the gift card in his stead!
Old business from the floor:
Randy Emig picks up trash at the boat landing. Can we put up a notice at the landing to pick up trash? Sarah Kirchhoff will ask at the town of springwater regarding signage.
Little free library: There are 3 free libraries around Pine Lake. Mary Kucksdorf takes care of the one near her and the Hedstrom clan takes care of the one on East Pine Lake Lane. Mary was curious if anyone was monitoring the box on the little lake? No one replied. Mary will monitor it as well.
New Business from the floor:
No new business
Motion to adjourn:
The annual meeting was adjourned at 9:49 am. Motion by Jeff Price and 2nd by Julie Verhaalen.
The next annual meeting will be on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 9:00am
Sarah Kirchhoff, Secretary