8/26/23 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present:  Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff, and Jim Henderson.  Everyone was present and in person.

Meeting came to order at 9:00 am at the home of Jean Medway.

Jean asked about changing up positions.  A discussion ensued.  Julie, as VP, is willing to move into the Presidential role.  How many years is ideal to hold a position?  Jean expressed that there is a positive to having a person in the president's role for longer than a year or two due to getting your name out, getting information from different institutions, learning the role...  A suggestion was made by John to look at what other boards are doing.  Board positions are 2 year increments.  Is there a positive for changing up the board more often?  People interested in serving on the board have been an issue in the past.  Jim asked about changing bylaws to 3 years from 2 years.  Jim suggested we put in writing the roles and responsibilities of the varying positions.  Al suggested we take this winter to do some research and then present it at the annual meeting.  

Issues:  term limits, roles and responsibilities of each position, what do other boards do?

This year:

Jim will take over as treasurer as soon as the transitional pieces allow.  Jeff made a motion to have Jim start transitioning to the treasurer position, Ginnie 2nd it.  Motion carried.  

Ginnie volunteered to be the incoming President.  Fred Koch is willing to be VP.   Julie nominated Ginnie for President and Fred 2nd the motion.  Motion carried.  Jeff nominated Fred for VP and Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  

Pres:  Ginnie
VP: Fred
Treasurer: Jim
Secretary: Sarah
Marketing & Communications Director: Julie

Fred suggested that we start to recruit for members at large by sending out an email to PLPOA.  He encouraged the board to start this process early so that people have time to start thinking about joining the board.  In addition, as members, we need to start asking people in person to consider joining the board.  

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by  Jim and seconded by  Al.  Motion carried.

Motion to accept minutes of the annual meeting were approved by Jim  and seconded by Julie.  Motion carried.

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Fred 2nd by  Al.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

EWM:  Fred talked to Jim Schaarl and Ted at the DNR about repopulating the native plants. They feel that the area should repopulate if there is no competition from other invasive species. Jim said overall had PL had phenomenal success with the treatment of EWM with only small areas still showing some EWM.  He will be getting final results to Fred in upcoming weeks.  The final report will go to the DNR.  Fred will explore next steps.  Initially it appears that it went from 11.7 to .2 acres of EMW–98% eradicated.  Luke, from the UW of Madison, said we should have results from the survey by the end of the year, hopefully sooner. The results initially look promising for fish.  

Flags:  PL Flags made a profit of $ 414.04.  There are several more to sell which will add to the profit.

CBCW:  We have made our 200 hours. An amazing success!  Data of how many participants, average hours put in by participants, and suggestions for improvement will be available at the next meeting.   

Blood Drive: Sarah voiced that we need more participants to give blood.  Jeff offered for us to use the picnic signs.  Sarah to pick those up.

Treasurer Bonding:  Jean spoke with her insurance agent.  $2500 per year per person bonded.  Jean asked Tom to get some numbers as well. Gilbert Lake has a commercial liability and crime policy; they are not bonded.  Jean asked her insurance agent about the liability and crime policy and he thought $450 per year.  Karen from Gilbert Lake did not say how much they paid.  Jim will ask WeReallyKare about how they get bonded and how much they pay. 

Newsletter:  Articles for the fall newsletter should be to Julie by 11/1/23.

New Business:

Law Enforcement Time on Lakes:  Sarah said that there is a Waushara County Lake Safety group that was started by Gerry from Long Lake.  Al and Sarah have agreed to try to go to the next meeting this fall.  They are working to get more law enforcement on lakes.  

Deputy Jacob Hansen spoke at the Waushara County Watershed Lakes Council about his role in enforcing rules related to boats, ATV’s, snowmobiles  ( non cars/ trucks) and the like, in Waushara County. He has 600 hours allocated to the task of enforcement, prevention and education.  He is also hoping to bring back in person boater safety classes.

Pine Lake Flag for PLPOA:  Jean Medway suggested that we keep a flag for the Pine Lake Property Owners Assoc.  We could use this at official PLPOA events.  Jean made a motion to buy the appropriate supplies to fly the flag–flag pole.  Jim 2nd it.  Julie will look into options.  

New DNR grant:  It was decided to table this until the end of our current 3 year grant.

Wake Boats:  Concerns are coming up about the damage to shorelines, the floor of lakes as well as transporting ballast water (difficult to get all water out) at the state and local levels due to wake boats.  Since we do not know the beliefs of our members we are unable as a board to send a letter to the county or township.  Individuals are welcome to send their thoughts to their governing bodies.  

Jeff requested a list of board number names and numbers.  Sarah will pull this information and get it to members.

Fred suggested going to 4 meetings a year with special meetings allowed when necessary.  Discussion tabled.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:32am.   Motion by Jeff and 2nd by Julie.             

The next meeting will be on September 30th at 10:00am at the home of Ginnie Detloff.

Other Meetings: Oct. 28th at 10am 

Sarah Kirchhoff