Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Jean Medway, Al Betz, and Jim Henderson. Sarah Kirchhoff attended via zoom. Fred Koch, Jeff Price were excused but absent.
Meeting came to order at 10:06 am at the home of our new President Ginnie Detloff.
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected by Jim and seconded by John. Motion carried.
John presented the treasurer’s report. Checks paid for picnic, Lakes & Ponds, Bio Analytical, website and water postage.
Jim said John did a great job keeping records. Went through all the info for transferring treasurership to Jim Henderson from John Hedstrom. They also stopped by the bank. The minutes need to reflect the new treasurer.
Jean made the motion that Jean Medway be deleted from the account as of October 1st, 2023 and John Hedstrom be removed as of December 31, 2023.
The new board president Virginia Detloff, and treasurer James E Henderson will be added to the bank account and receive check writing privileges. John Hedstrom will remain on the bank account for the remainder of 2023. Jean Medway will be removed from the account as of October 1st. 2023. Julie Seconded it and motion passed.
Jim will perform a comparison of monthly PLPOA treasurer with the bank accounts and report to the membership.
Jim expressed that they are not entirely pleased with the current bank because they don’t have remote deposit and other features. Jim further recommended changing to Community First Credit Union. Jim moved that we move to CFCU but finish out any transactions at Farmers State Bank before the end of the year. Al seconded. Motion passes.
Jim said he talked with WRK about their bonding. They pay CNA Security $187 for bonding at the $25000 level. Jim suggests that we not make a decision as a board and wait to present at the annual meeting. Jean is against the bonding due to the cost. We will put this on the agenda for the annual meeting as a point of discussion.
Motion to accept Treasurer’s report by Jean, seconded by Al Betz.
Old Business:
Al asked if we need to request a reimbursement from the DNR.
Jean asked if we were going to submit a paid receipt to the Springwater board for possible reimbursement. Sarah said she believes it needs to be submitted to the secretary ahead of time. Jean said she believes you need to have your request in by July 1st. The money from 2023 may already be disbursed. So maybe ask for 2024. Gilbert had asked for money last year and did receive. Ginnie and Sarah will email Carolann. Al thought we might end up with $1000 or so.
Flag Pole - Julie looked and didn’t know what to pick. After some discussion we are just going to use ropes or tie-wraps to hang the flag at our meetings.
Gravel - Huge divot at the boat launch. People aren’t staying on the ramp. Sarah feels if they moved the pier over it would help people stay on the ramp.
Newsletter - Articles by November 1st.
Article from Bill Powell regarding Water.
Letter from the outgoing President. Jean (intro new board)
Treasurer’s report. - Jim
Milfoil & Fish Test results- Fred
CBCW - Sarah
Blood Drive - Sarah
Flags - Sarah
NOMO - Ginnie
Future of PLPOA - Ginnie
Springwater news - problems this past summer throughout Waushara county. Vandalism at bathrooms such as Kusel lake. Beach problems with dogs, horses and a flasher. Someone from Gilbert expressed a problem about people not having spotters while pulling skiers and tubes. You need a specific rear view mirror to do this. Township doesn’t seem interested in handling enforcement of these things. Discussed the wake boats and the damage they are doing. Township is not interested in taking this on. It really should be addressed state wide by the DNR.
Things that were tabled last year: Pine Lake Lore book, reprinting. Updates would be needed. Printing corrections for the map.
Party at Sarah’s Oct 28, 7PM. Spouse’s or other S.O.’s invited.
New Business:
BOATING REGULATIONS - Update? Laminated 2 sided sheet. Should go into the welcome folders. Al will update, Julie will update the layout. Al will have it printed and laminated. Office supply.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:45. Motion by Jean and 2nd by Al.
The next meeting will be on October 28th at Ginnie’s at 10:00am
Julie Verhaalen
Substitute Secretary