10/28/23 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Fred Koch, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Sarah Kirchhoff. Jim Henderson was present via zoom. Jeff Price was absent.

Meeting came to order at 10:09am at the home of Ginnie.

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were amended and approved by Fred and seconded by Jean. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report : Copies were provided to the board. Paperwork was submitted to the grant for reimbursement for the EWM work. Paper work was completed at the Community First Credit Union for Jim and Ginnie to be on the accounts. We are still transitioning from Farmers State Bank. The transition will take several months. PLPOA will be able to have a debit card for online purchases. In addition remote deposits are an option. Their rates are better as well. Jim will look into doing Venmo directly with the new CU. Julie suggested we could also look into Paypal and Zelle. Motion to accept the treasurer's report by Fred 2nd by John. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Pine Lake Lore/ Map : In the middle of the Pine Lake Lore book is a lineage of each property. Al was told we need to buy this. This has stopped the reprinting of a new updated version. Jean suggested we send out a request to property owners and ask them to give us information on the owners since the original book came out. Fred and Julie said you can find out the information for free by looking at the county tax roles.

EWM: Fred sent Carolann at the Springwater town board a copy of our expenses for treatment of Milfoil. It will be discussed at the next township meeting.

Newsletter: Julie went over articles received and articles missing for the newsletter. The articles are due November 1st. Jean suggested that all the people who are members be listed in the newsletter. Jean suggested we put something out about “adopt a highway”. Julie will put it in the newsletter.

Speeding: Concerns were brought up about the speeds vehicles are traveling on the roads around Pine Lake. Al will approach the sheriff to find out options.

Jean asked if we could put an article in the newsletter about Wake Boats. Julie will put a link to the website that has information about the boats and current legislation.

Lamination of boating regulations: Al will look into this for the Spring. The thought was it would be delivered to each door as was done in the past. Al suggested we should also have a cover letter requesting it gets posted.

Fill at the Landing: The landing did get “fill” put in where there was a big divot. Fred will talk with the township about the idea of moving the pier in the spring as there is about 2 feet of concrete currently covered by the pier.

Board Membership: Al will be finished with his board position in September. Jean will complete her 2 years and then retire from the board. Julie will put an article in the newsletter about the need for members.

CBCW: 44 volunteers gave 205.5 hours for CBCW! Incredible Job Pine Lake.

Grant update : $34,905 was spent this year for EWM. It was submitted to the State in October. We received 15,794.25 in addition to the $10,000 that was received previously.

$15,394.25 is left to use in the next 2 years ( we pay 25% and they will pay 75%) from the 3 year grant.

Update on treatment : The treatment was very effective. The coordinates will be checked again in the spring to see what is happening. Native plants were already repopulating areas where milfoil was killed. The milfoil that was found was a hybrid. The fish did well in the treatment process per UW Madison. More information will be coming. Spring surveys will be done for the next 2 years with the goal of making a plan with results of the surveys.

New Business:

Proposed PLPOA Investment Policy: See copy from Jim Henderson Fred moved to accept the new investment policy, John seconded, motion approved.

Wakeboat article from Wi Lakes: proposed bill voted down at state level.

Picnic Committee: Jan is willing to be a part of the committee but doesn’t want to chair it. Ginnie suggested we get a list of all the jobs that need to happen for the picnic so that we can divvy up the jobs. Sarah will reach out to Jeff and Sharon for a list or past data. We can have a continued discussion.

Porta Potty at the landing: Springwater Township has agreed to have a porta potty at the landing for winter ice fishing.

Public Access to minutes : Julie will update this.

Amherst Communications : First $1000 feet covered from main road but the additional feet will cost 50 cents a foot. Fred is hoping we give support in order to continue the conversation with the company. There are a lot of unknowns. However, even if it comes in, everyone can choose their provider. Send a letter of support to Amherst if interested.

Online information for the Board: Julie will give us a presentation on how to access information from the board in an electronic format.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:54am. Motion by Jean and 2nd by Al.

The next meeting will be on February 3rd at 10:00 am at the home of Ginnie Detloff.

Sarah Kirchhoff