2/3/24 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jeff Price, Al Betz and Sarah Kirchhoff. Jim Henderson was present via zoom. Jean Medway was absent.

Meeting came to order at 10:06 at the home of Ginnie. Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Fred and seconded by Julie. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Copies provided to board members. Received some funds from a DNR grant. Received the check from Springwater. Jim will have all checks go through the checking account before going into the money market for trial purposes. Motion to accept treasurer's report by Al 2nd by John and Jeff (tie). Motion carried.

Bonding Information: Jim spoke with the Sterns and it would cost about $231.00 for $50,000 of insurance and $289 for $75,000 of insurance for the money in the PLPOA account. This would cover the Treasurer and the President. This will be brought to the Association at the Annual meeting. Overall the Board is in support of moving forward with this if approved by the Association as the cost is much less than anticipated. Jim will also add some checks and balances to the treasurer's role such as having the president or another board member double check that the treasurer's numbers are in order quarterly. Ginnie suggested that it should not be the President as they are the other person who can sign off on checks/ take money out of the account. Julie nominated John for the foreseeable future. He will take on the role until he leaves the board. Al suggested that if the funds drop below a certain amount ($5000.00) then we could drop the coverage of the bond insurance. This can be brought up at the annual meeting as well.

Jim set up Venmo with the bank as well and it appears to be working.

Old Business:

Speed monitor: Al talked to the county about having a speed monitor on Hwy K. Al was told that the deputy would increase surveillance. In the spring, Al will check in again with the county about the electronic monitoring speed sign. They have only 1 electronic sign for the entire county.

Lamination of the boating regulations: Al has a 2022 booklet of boating regulations but is wondering if they will be updated with the new wake boating discussions. Al will update with current information and laminate in spring. The board will help hand out this information to each home on the lake in addition to the handbook.

Fiber optics update: Amherst will be building in the area this year and will let Ginnie know updates. Fred noted that he spoke to them as well and they have applied for the grant and Amherst will know more by the end of the month.

Board Member Perspectives: Carol Voss and Brandon Stern are possibly interested. Jeff will talk to Doreen Wiener. Jared Brown may also be willing.

Membership renewal date: Jean had suggested that the annual meeting be the due date for that year. John said the fiscal year is June 1 through May 31. Julie receives many dues near the 1st of the year. Julie says it is not really a problem so will keep going as we are unless things change–accepting dues June 1st -May 31st for each fiscal year.

Well Reading: Tom Pritzlaff is measuring the well while Powells are gone. Current number 9.05 for 2/1/24.

Project/ Committee Updates: Grant/ treatment/ AIS: In a holding pattern until the ice disappears. Jean wanted to know if anyone sent a Thank you note to the township. A thank you will be sent by Ginnie.

CD3: Information was presented by Fred on a Watercraft cleaning station which provides high pressure air and a vacuum to wet vac out the boat wells… Statistically there has been no difference from hand towel wiping and the machine for the effectiveness of cleaning boats. Cost is 46,000 plus. Fred recommends we don’t do anything with this information at this time. Jeff concurred.

Newsletter/Membership Communications: Article due date for spring newsletter: April 30th Who will write opening greeting: AL Who is writing which articles? This will be tabled until the next meeting. Everyone will do what they usually do such as Fred will update the EWM.

Maverick Pumping article: Julie and Beth Van Dyke. Ginnie and Sarah will ask them.

Other new article suggestions: None at this time, will revisit at the next meeting.

July 4th is on Thurs. so the annual meeting will be on 7/6 as well as the boat parade and NoMo.

Picnic Committee: The goal is to consolidate a list of Picnic jobs and then have everyone pick a piece that they will take on.

Jeff would love to see more children at the picnic. How can we get more kids there? A list will be shared with everyone to sign up for their areas of interest.

New Business:

Covered Bridge Prairie Project: Ginnie updated board on the project. Other lakes have given money to support this project. Ginnie was wondering if the board should give money as well. Fred moved to give 10% of the money that we received for the EWM from the Town of Springwater which was $2000.00. That would make the donation $200.00. Jeff 2nd it. Motion carried.

WI Land and Rivers Convention: April 10-12. Convention sign up is now. Ginnie and Sarah will look at going and/ or splitting days.

Invasive Species Language Webinar: In WI lakes recent email. (Feb 27th) How to talk to people about invasive species. Invasive species webinars coming up–try to attend.

Stamps: Ted Van Dyke has extra stamps. Julie, Ginnie and Jim need to have more stamps. They will get the stamps from Ted.

Next Meetings: March 16th at 10am and April 20th at 10 am

Meeting was adjourned at 11:40. Motion by Fred and 2nd by Al !

Sarah Kirchhoff