3/16/24 PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jean Medway, Al Betz and Sarah Kirchhoff. Jeff Price and Jim Henderson were present via zoom.

Meeting came to order at 10: 05 am at the home of Ginnie.

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting with corrections were approved by Fred and seconded by Jean. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: copies were provided to the board members. John reviewed the financial statements with the treasurer’s numbers. He verified the report.

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Al, 2nd by Jeff. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Board candidates: Brandon Stern may be interested in the future but would not be interested in the coming year. We still need to look for other candidates to join the board.

Additionally, the members will need to vote on changing the 2 year board terms to 3 year terms as it is a change to the bylaws. Jim will write up a proposal.

Project/ Committee Updates:

Picnic: Fred asked who is on the committee; the board plus Jan Koch. Fred will talk to Sharon tomorrow. See Picnic spreadsheet for who is signed up for what roles. Each member agreed to different roles. Al agreed to supply his tent (as long as his tent survives) and set up/clean up expertise as long as he is able. Al suggested that we buy 4-5 plastic tables so that we don’t have to haul the wooden tables. Jeff and Fred think we can provide our own tables from what each of us have ( the plastic ones) vs buying some. Al asked if we have any idea of the actual picnic cost if we take out the good will donations. Fred’s goal is $1000.00.

Newsletter: Write your articles for the newsletter by April 30th. Jim asked what he could write up? Julie thought an update with switching banks/ venmo would be good. Jean suggested he include where you can drop your donations/ annual dues. Al will write an opening letter. John suggested we include a reminder to submit agenda items to the general meeting prior to the meeting.

AIS: Fred will call Lake and Ponds this next week to set up the next survey. He is thinking it will be done in May.

CBCW: The plan is to have a training on Memorial Day weekend at the boat launch. The CBCW goal is to have 50 volunteers willing to each give 4 hours of their time. Sarah is still waiting for grant reimbursement monies from the DNR.

New Business:

Maverick: Maverick will have a day when they come to Pine Lake annually. Homeowners will get a discount if they sign up for that day. Julie will do a write up for the newsletter for property owners to have this information and contact Maverick if interested.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:22am. Motion by Al, 2nd John, 3rd by Jeff.

The next meeting will be on April 20th at 10:00am. (Jeff will do the secretarial duties).

Sarah Kirchhoff