Pine Lake Board Meeting Minutes -- April 20, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 10:00.
Present at the meeting: John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen, Al Betz, Fred Koch, Ginnie Detloff, Jean Medway, Jeff Price. Sarah Kirchhoff and Jim Henderson were excused.
Announcements: none
Fred presented information about Townsend Septic Inspections, a lower-cost septic inspection service. We will put an article in the newsletter about septic inspections, cleaning and costs.
Minutes from Last Meeting: No changes. Jean moved they be accepted, Al seconded.
Finances: Treasurer’s Report Fred moved to accept the report. Jean seconded.
Saxville/Springwater Fire Dept.: We discussed donations to the fire department. Jean moved we donate $200. Jeff seconded.
We Really Care Donation: Due to controversy about We Really Care, we have decided to not donate them this year, and leave donations up to property owners who support it.
Old Business
Project Committee Updates
Wi Lake and Pond Resource will have a report on the status of the lake by July 3.
Newsletter: We will add a list of membership. Nomo will be 5-6:30. Boat Parade start at 7:30.
Board Candidates: Fred, Jeff, Julie, Jim are up for election. Al is leaving. We are looking for one opening.
Fundraising: We will sell assorted items at the meeting that Judy Betz has.
Annual Meeting giveaway: Drawstring backpack. Julie will pick colors.
Clean Boats Clean Water Training: Sarah and Ginny will do the training this year on Memorial Day weekend. Sarah will write up an announcement in the newsletter.
Picnic: Jeff is doing games and will talk to Jeff Weisman about renting the cooker and a dunk tank. Fred will ask Klutchens for the property. We discussed how to compensate the Klutchens. Fred will attempt to get a bill the Klutchens. Jean had ideas for quizzes, prizes for games. We will hold a separate meeting for picnic planning.
Milfoil: We will not do a campaign for donations at this time.
Upcoming Meetings: Picnic Meeting 10:00 May 11 at Fred’s house. Next board meeting 9:00 June 15 at Ginny’s.
Jeff a motion to adjorn at 11:49. Fred seconded.
Minutes taken by Jeff Price