6/10/24 PLPOA Board Meeting

Present:  Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Fred Koch, Jean Medway, Al Betz, Jim Henderson and Sarah Kirchhoff.  Jeff was available via zoom.  

The meeting came to order at 9:02 at the home of Ginnie.


This is AL’s final small board meeting.  His final meeting will be the annual meeting.  During his 24 years of service he has missed only 1 meeting.  THANK YOU AL!  He has given an unbelievable dedication of time for the well being of Pine Lake and its members.

Julie is officially retired!

Minutes:  Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Al and seconded by Jim.  Motion carried.

Treasurer report:  Not much activity.  CD’s are staying in the 5% range.  Jim filed with the state. The balances are healthy.  Jim requested that Fred check the donation box by the landing for possible dues.  Al will give Jim his key to the box.  Dues are about $2200 each year.  So far $1200 in extra donations have come in this year.  Jim requested that we remember that we have changed the PLPOA bank from Farmers Bank to Community First Credit Union to make sure reimbursements are sent to the new bank.

Financial statements: See copies presented by Jim.  

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Fred, 2nd by Al.  Motion carried.

Motion by John to accept the treasurer’s budget.  2nd by Jean.  Motion carried.


WRK fishing club:  The issue of whether or not to give a donation to support WRK was brought back to the board to discuss again with Sarah encouraging that we consider continuing to support them.  Motion to donate to WRK if we receive a written request in the amount we gave in the past, by Jean.  Julie seconded.  Motion approved.

WI Lakes requested a donation.  Jim made a motion to send them $200.  John seconded.  Motion approved.

Update from Springwater Town meeting:

Property at west end of Long Lake:  A request was put in to put up 5 buildings with 6 units in each building ( motel/hotel).  The Town board denied the request as not consistent with the plan for the area.  Currently the area is zoned commercial.  There will be a zoning meeting at the county on June 20th to look at the project. 

Enhanced wake research from Gilbert lake:  Gilbert Lake members gave a presentation to the springwater board about enhanced wake boats.  They presented current research to the board. 

Agenda for the 2024 ANNUAL MEETING:

Jean reported she did not give out agendas to participants as they arrived at the annual meeting. Instead, the agenda is put into the newsletter as a tentative agenda.

Bonding vote:  Jim will present the information received at the meeting and then the membership will vote.  The board will support the prospect if the cost is consistent with the quote.  

Auditor info/ procedure: The financial review was completed.  

Election of Board Member:

No current names…many have been asked.  Ideas were generated and members will ask more people prior to the meeting.  Please let Ginnie know if anyone has expressed interest in being on the board.  Sadly, Jean will be leaving the board in a year, so it would be good to have others willing to be on deck for future years.

Milfoil update: Fred will take of the milfoil update at the annual meeting.  He is trying to find out if there are any current spots of milfoil in the lake.

Pine Lake Activities/ committee reports:

  • CBCW–sarah

  • Blood Drive–sarah

  • Welcome committee–sarah

  • NOMO–ginnie

  • Boat Parade–jeff

  • Picnic–fred/ Jan

  • Pine Lake Gear–julie

  • Newsletter–julie

Results of election:  order of business

Meet at the camp at 8 am-8:15 am. 

4 tables for dues–Julie will direct traffic.

Sarah will have people helping to do CBCW and blood drive sign up.

Judy Betz will do sales of left over merchandise.

Jim suggested having a ½ sheet of information on the picnic and Jean requested adding information and times for events of the 4th weekend.  Julie will make a flyer.

Old Business:

WRK fishing club:  Motion to donate to WRK if we receive a written request in the amount we gave in the past, by Jean.  Julie seconded.  Motion approved.

WI Lakes requested a donation.  Jim made a motion to send them $200.  John seconded.  Motion approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:13.  Motion by Fred and 2nd by Julie! 

The next meeting will be on September 14th at 10:00am.

Sarah Kirchhoff