9/14/24 PLPOA Board Meeting

Present:  Ginnie Detloff, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhalen, Jeff Price, Jean Medway, Jim Henderson, Beth Bush and Sarah Kirchhoff .  Fred Koch was absent.

Meeting came to order at 10:03am. at the home of Ginnie Detloff. 

There was a discussion of terms of limits on board members.  Dates of when board members are up for reelection were discussed. 

Board Member Terms:
Jean Medway–2025
Ginnie Detloff–2025–President
Sarah Kirchhoff–2025
John Hedstrom–2026
Jeff Price–2026– Secretary
Jim Henderson–2027–Treasurer
Julie Verhaalan–2026–Marketing Director
Fred Koch-–2027–VP
Beth Bush—2027 

Dates of when board members are up for re-election were discussed.  Roles of board members will be reassessed yearly to see if anyone wants a different role or to be removed from their current role.  Julie is willing to maintain her position as marketing director.  Ginnie will remain as President and Fred as VP.  Jim Henderson will remain as Treasurer.  Jeff Price will become secretary.

The facebook page was discussed.  Julie is willing to continue to add things to the page.  Julie will ask to have Beth put on as administrator of the page as well so that she can post.  

Jeff will assist Julie with writing articles.  Should membership be a separate thing?  Julie will write down her roles and then the Board can discuss how the responsibilities can be shared between our other members.  Beth volunteered to be in charge of the membership.  Beth is also willing to help with writing articles.  

Jim moved to accept our slate of officers.  Julie 2nd it.  Motion carried.


Motion to accept amended minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Jean  and seconded by Jim.  Motion carried.

Motion to accept the July annual minutes was made by Jim and seconded by Jeff.  Motion carried.

Jim presented the statements from June, July and August.  CD’s will probably bring in $2000.00 to the association yearly.  Jim let us know that the picnic expenses have run around $700.00 with many in kind donations given by numerous people involved in the picnic.  

Motion to accept treasurer's report by Jeff 2nd by John.   Motion carried.

Old Business:

Membership:   It was asked by Al if there is enough money coming in by dues to cover costs of yearly expenses not including the invasive species fund.  

Jeff requested that the newsletter be sent to everyone in our database regardless of whether dues have been paid or not.  An article could be included to remind all interested parties regarding the need to pay dues to keep association going.  Discussion ensued and was agreeable to all.

Annual meeting:

Ginnie asked how the board felt that about the annual meeting.  Discussion ensued regarding positives.  No changes were suggested.  It was requested that a gift be given to the camp as a thank you for allowing us to use their property for the annual meeting.  Al had suggested we give white tables instead of money (during a previous conversation).  Sarah had asked Ben at the camp if they would like some white plastic tables to replace some of their heavy older ones.  Ben thought that would be very nice.  Jean made a motion to buy 2 white tables for camp, Jeff 2nd it.  Motion carried.


Julie would like the articles by November 1st.

Sarah will write the opening article, CBCW, Blood drive, and collaborate with Julie/ Ginnie on the Enhanced wake update.

Jeff:  picnic, parade
Ginnie: No mo
Jim:  treasurer report
Beth:  a new board article
Julie:  SWAG, dues, membership, webpage
Fred:  Invasive Species update


John enjoyed being at the welcome/ name tag table.  He counted over 115 people at the picnic.  Overall the picnic was a great success.  

Suggestions for next year:

  • Jeff wondered about having an activity that involves getting to know other people. After a discussion this activity could be optional.  

  • Board members should go around and introduce themselves to the tables of people.

  • More sharing of roles when monitoring bouncy house or dunk tank. 

This discussion will continue at later meetings.  

Invasive Species:

Lake and Ponds will do another survey this fall.  Sarah requested the subcommittee of EWM gather and make a plan for spring.  Jim will talk with Fred.

New Business:

Enhanced Wake Boat update from Town of Springwater:   The board agreed that an article would be put into the annual newsletter with information about the survey results.  Sarah will develop an article and run it by the board–informational only. 

Meeting was adjourned at 12:06pm.   Motion by Jean and 2nd by Beth.

The next meeting will be on  November 9th at 10:00am.

Sarah Kirchhoff