11/9/24 PLPOA Board Meeting

Pine Lake Property Owners Board Meeting November 9, 2024

Attendees: Ginny Detloff, Fred Koch, Julie Verhalen, Beth Bush, John Hedstrom, Jim Henderson, Jeff Price, Sarah Kirchoff. Ginny called the meeting to order at 10:00. Beth made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected with edits.

Financial Report—Jim Henderson

  • We are close to 100% participation with dues.

  • September we paid Kleutgen

  • CD’s have been laddered to come due month by month throughout the year.

  • CD’s rates are +/-5%

  • Beth’s push to collect dues resulted in $340 in uncollected dues.             

  • John Hedstrom has been reviewing Jim’s statements accuracy. 

  • Julie moved to accept the financials Fred seconded

New Business

Julie and Sarah discussed sportswear – adding new styles

Jim suggested documenting responsibilities of various jobs.

  • Each member of the board will document the scope of their responsibilities. 

We are going to actively encourage photos be sent to Julie.

  • We will solicit photos of cleaning up the roads.

Project Committee Updates

  1. Milfoil--
    Fred proposed segregating “milfoil/invasive species money” .  Jim indicated that donations should be separated.  Jim will make a proposal to resolve this by the next meeting.

  2. Fred reviewed the report from Lake and Ponds which recommended treating 1.35 acres in 2025

  3. Fred shared graphic results from 2023-24 which we agreed to include in the newsletter.

  4. Fred is following up with Ted Thompson (DNR) to confirm approval that we can treat. He will also confirm the status of our Lake Management Plan.

  5. Fred recommends that we treat next year, and estimates the cost to treat would be approximately 10% of 2024 treatment, or $4000. 

  6. We have approx. $12,000 remaining in our grant

  7. Sarah moved to approve the treatment, Julie seconded. The motion passed.


We were happy with the results of the picnic. Total costs were approx. $700 exclusive of rental costs for the grill, bouncy house, and dunk tank.

  • We had a good conversation about activities in the summer. 

Next board meeting will take place on February 22 at 10:00. 

Fred moved to adjourn Meeting was adjourned at 11:48