PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was held in the yard of Jean Medway with social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Present were Jean Medway, John Hedstrom, Fred Koch, Al Betz, Julie Verhaalen and Sharon Rossebo. The minutes of the previous meeting in May were read and approved. The treasurer reported there had been little change in this month’s report other than a donation to Waushara Watershed. He reported there were only 35 members who had renewed their dues. It was decided to send an email to previous members who did not renew, as well as publishing a note on Facebook and our website.  The notice will inform recipients that their dues must be paid by August 15 in order to participate in a survey regarding “no wake” status on the lake. Each active registered property owner will have one vote. Julie prepared the notice and a form to return with dues, which she read and which was approved for posting on the website and Facebook. There was also a discussion on the logistics of conducting such a survey and whether it could be done anonymously.


Milfoil:  There is a huge patch of Milfoil on the west end of the lake, as well as lots of milfoil where all the “fish sticks” were dropped along the camp property. It was estimated there may be approximately six acres which need treatment, so next year’s treatment will be very costly. The question is whether a lot of this is hybrid and whether treatment would be effective. Fred stated he is not impressed with Lake and Ponds which we had been using, and would like to speak to a man he met to get a bid from his company. He also stated that Pine Lake is scheduled to be surveyed in August by Amy Kretlow from Golden Sands and Ann Cisac from the DNR.

Board Members:  Julie Verhaalen was appointed as an official board member effective with this meeting due to Eckhard Rahn’s resignation.  Ed Luczkowiak will not serve another term, and we thank Ed for his service and will post a note in the next newsletter. The board has received information from three property owners who would be interested in a position on the board and emails from several owners promoting the appointment of Jeff Price.  After discussing the pros and cons of each of the candidates, it was decided to offer the position to Mr. Price. He was then called from our meeting, and he came over to discuss his background. He was told he would become a voting member at the next board meeting on September 12, 2020. The other two candidates will be encouraged to place their names in nomination at the next annual meeting. The usual term of office runs from September to September. Since there has been no annual meeting or election of officers, all present board members will be up for election at next year’s annual meeting. Jean also received some requests for this year’s annual meeting to be held outdoors on the Labor Day weekend.  This would present several challenges such as requiring a sound system and the fact that most members are very busy that weekend taking in docks, boat lifts, etc., closing up after summer.

Scuba equipment:  Al received an offer of four complete sets of scuba equipment to be donated to the association.  Fred will check the equipment; if it is in good condition the association will accept it.

Springwater Township Meeting: 

Al attended the last meeting, which was limited to 20 people due to distancing.  The meeting was described as quite contentious regarding the resolution of no wake status.  It was questioned whether this is enforceable, and Everett Eckstein will check on the legality of this.  Ed Hernandez, the newest member of the board, spoke on all the damage to the lakes which would occur if no wake is not observed.  A petition was presented to the board to repeal this designation, but the board would not accept it. Results of surveys taken by lake associations will be presented to the board for consideration.  Board meetings are scheduled every second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Pictures:  Julie took photos of each of the board members to publish on the website.

Next meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2020, in Jean Medway’s yard.  Sharon moved to adjourn, seconded by Jean, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully, Sharon Rossebo, Secretary