PLPOA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was conducted with Zoom.  At the meeting were Jean Medway, Al Betz, Fred Koch, John Hedstrom, Eckhard Rahn and Sharon Rossebo.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected.  The treasurer reported there were no changes from the previous month’s report with the exception that $100 was donated to Wisconsin Lakes.


Milfoil:  This year a DNR-approved survey of the lake is required for a permit to treat.  Fred had spoken with Ann from the DNR who has agreed to perform the survey without charge.  She has this on her schedule for either late July or early August, which would depend on the status of the pandemic.  We could also contract with Golden Sands, which Ted Johnson approves. This survey would be used for treatment in 2021. Al suggested us doing our own survey before the DNR for comparison. Eck suggested  getting recommendations for next year and the cost. Eck and Fred will write an article regarding this for the newsletter.

Lake Management Plan:  Jean suggested a posting on the website asking for any additions or changes to the lake management plan. John said any suggestions should be directed to the board. The only change at this point is to take out the “no wake clause” regarding the west lobe of the lake.  Julie will post this on the website with instructions where to find the lake management plan.  An article will also be in the newsletter.


Summer Activities:  The Camp is closed with no time line for reopening; therefore we have no place to conduct our annual meeting. After much discussion, Jean made a motion  to cancel all summer activities and the annual meeting in 2020, which was seconded by Al and carried.

Budget:  Without the annual meeting, the budget will be presented on line.

Election of officers:  Up for election this year are Sharon, Fred, Ed and John. Sharon, Fred and John have all agreed to remain on the board.  Eck reported that as of June 19 he will no longer be a property owner and thus ineligible for the board.  Lacking a member, the board has the power to appoint a member until the next election. Jean appointed Julie to fill Eck’s post when he retires and until the next election, which was approved unanimously.

Newsletter:  The newsletter will come out late this year, probably in early June.  Al will submit the minutes from last year’s annual meeting.  Eck and Fred will submit an article about milfoil. Jean will reach Everett Eckstein to discuss no-wake status and condition of the boat launch, and submit an article. John will put in the dues information along with any milfoil donations. Judy and Al Betz will not conduct any sales of merchandise this summer. Jennifer will arrange for on-line sales again. Bill Powell has an article on the lake level, which is up two inches shy of seven feet since 2014. The Blood Drive has not been cancelled; Julie will put an article in the newsletter and a link to sign up on the website.

Pontoon:  Since hand pulling of milfoil was not feasible, it was decided to sell the pontoon which the association had purchased.  It cost the association $600 plus some materials which were put in, for a total cost of $700.  Eck will put this up for sale to recoup the costs. Al stated he has the title.

There being no further business, Eck made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Sharon, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


Sharon Rossebo, Secretary