PLPOA given a 3 year grant from the WDNR!

Hello PLPOA Members,

We are bursting with pride and can’t wait to share with you the great news! After a lot of hard work on the part of our PLPOA Grant Team we have been given a three year grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). This grant totals $41,538.00 over the next three years to treat Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) in our lake.

Now they don’t just hand over the money, first we must spend the money we have in our coffers, then submit receipts to the DNR for reimbursement. So because of your generosity over the last few years we are ready to dig in. 

We don’t have all of the details yet here are some of the next steps:

  • Perform a point survey of the lake in June which will show where Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and other AIS are growing.

  • Submit the survey with our request for a permit to treat. This will provide proof to the Chemical Division of the WDNR of the need to treat for EWM.

  • Note: Receiving the grant does not guarantee that we will get a permit to treat this year.

Additionally, we have received a $750 grant for the Clean Boats, Clean Waters (CBCW) initiative. These funds will help pay for items needed to run the program.

A big thank you to our Grant Team:  Fred Koch, Chris Hedstrom, Sarah Kirchhoff, Ginnie Detloff and Ted and Sue Van Dyke.  Congratulations team and thank you to everyone who has contributed their time and money to this cause.


Your Pine Lake Property Owners Association Board of Directors.

Jean Medway, President
Julie Verhaalen, Vice President
John Hedstrom, Treasurer
Sarah Kirchhoff, Secretary
Al Betz
Ginnie Detloff
Jim Henderson
Fred Koch
Jeff Price