At 9:10 a.m. Jean Medway called the meeting to order. Also present were Al Betz, Fred Koch, Eckhard Rahn, Ed Luczkowiak, Julie Verhaalen and Sharon Rossebo. John Hedstrom, Treasurer, was excused.
The first order of business was the determination of positions on the board. All the board members stated they were in agreement with their present positions.
Al went over the notes he had made from the previous meeting. Ed made a motion to accept these as read by Al, seconded by Eck, and this was approved. Jean reported on the treasurer’s report from John. It stated Identity Stores had been paid for the T-shirts except for the additional shirts ordered; this bill was passed on to John. The CD of $5268 was rolled over at 2.05% for 13 months. Al moved to accept this report, seconded by Ed, and it was approved.
Website: Jean said she would like our mission statement added to the website. Al suggested also adding a profile of the board members. Jean also stated the website should have the Pine Lake logo on it. It should also include the current members of the association.
Water Testing: Fred said he has no information on results of tests of private wells. Jean suggested a newsletter article on the results of the testing. Regarding the record of the lake water level, this should be done October 1, but then only every other month until May.
Membership list: Fred stated he has an up-to-date list. Jean stated she did not want her cell number on the list since she was getting many unwanted calls. In regard to letters sent to property owners who had been members previously but had not joined this year, it was noted that Bill Powell previously had sent the letters to those who had not joined for two years. Julie said she would take care of this, and Sharon provided her with a copy of the letter which had been used in 2017.
Invasive species: Eck asked for opinions of whether to treat the lake next year. Fred reported about an acre and a half of milfoil in his section of the lake, which had not been present until later in the summer. The question then is whether to treat next year, should we do it ourselves or have Matt do it, as it is necessary to get the permit by a certain time. Fred said his opinion would be “no treatment” next year if the water level remains the same. It was the consensus to take a “wait and see” attitude regarding treatment. There are no phragmites and no zebra mussels present in the lake.
Grill: The camp has asked to use our grill; they had not used it this year. The problem had been that they had not cleaned it properly, and a burner needed replacement. Al said he would show them how to clean it properly. He made a motion to allow the camp to use the grill next summer with the condition that they replace the three burners, clean it properly and sign the rental agreement.
Minutes from Annual Meeting: There was some misunderstanding about who would record the minutes. Using the meeting agenda as a guide, Al reported on what transpired at the meeting, which did not last as long as usual. There apparently was no new business brought up and no nominations for positions from the floor; therefore the board members up for election were re-elected.
Newsletter: Jean requested that Al submit an article about the T-shirts, of which not many adult sizes remain but more kids sizes. Fred will have an article regarding testing of wells; John Siwula’s son will be contacted for help analyzing this data. There will be an article on the blood drive. Julie will use the Facebook post to write about the NoMo results. There will be an article about the lake level and No Wake status. Eck will submit something regarding milfoil. The articles should be submitted to Julie ( by October 27.
Spectrum: Fred reported he had been contacted by Dr. Vogt who asked for a consensus of property owners on the lake who would be interested in using Spectrum if it could be brought in. Fred will send an email to everyone asking whether they would like this service, and he will put an article in the fall newsletter also.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m. upon motion of Eck, which was seconded by Sharon. Next meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2019.
Sharon Rossebo, Secretary