At 9:00 a.m. Jean Medway called the meeting to order. Also present were Eckhard Rahn, Al Betz, John Hedstrom, Julie Verhaalen and Sharon Rossebo. The minutes of the previous meeting in January were read and approved on motion of John, seconded by Al. John presented the treasurer’s report.
Newsletter: Jean suggested the motion made last meeting be amended to read “The board will send a hard copy of the newsletter to each paid member of the association as of the date of printing of the newsletter. Extra copies of the newsletter will be sent by email to those requesting it providing the association has the current email address for the recipients of the extra copies.” This was seconded and approved by the board and will be included in the next newsletter. It was also decided not to include the volume number in future newsletters.
Lake Management Plan: This must be reviewed every five years. It was determined the deadline would be March 2021; therefore any changes would need to be approved at this year’s annual meeting. Such changes would require approval of the DNR. One change would be regarding the no wake restriction on the west lobe of the lake, which had already been discussed. It was questioned whether high water problems would be addressed. A decision about walleye stocking would not have sufficient data to support it by July, 2020. The board decided to send the lake management plan via our website, the lake Facebook page and all email addresses, asking property owners to review this and make any suggestions.
Annual Meeting: In the newsletter members will be requested to notify the board of any issues they might raise at the meeting in order that this may be put on the agenda. It was decided that we will not have a speaker at this year’s meeting. John stated the difficulty in collecting dues and milfoil donations at the meetings. It was suggested that we have two tables for this purpose and possibly more people to help with this. The NoMo signup table could be moved outside under cover in case of rain.
Invasive Species/Milfoil: There was extensive discussion regarding treatment of milfoil. It was not treated last year and now has been found in places where it never was before because we have water in new places. Regarding surveying the lake, Matt has suggested he would do this for approximately $2000. However, the DNR may do a survey with no fee. The DNR has also said that GPS coordinates are not needed to obtain a permit. It was decided to contact the DNR (have Fred talk to Ted Johnson) about whether they would do the survey; if not, we may treat without a survey as Fred and Al have plotted the milfoil areas on the lake map. If we decide to do treatment this year, there was discussion on just treating large areas and the time of year to perform the treatment. The decision on this will be tabled until the next meeting in April. There followed a conference call with Matt. Questions brought up were:
How effective would treatment be in the current deep water? He stated this is less effective.
Does clarity of the water matter? A pole rake could be dropped to the bottom to identify plant species.
Agent to use: ProcellaCOR would do a better job in deeper water, but it is about twice the cost of Navigate. It has been used in 2019, and the results are promising.
Cost for two acres: Depends on depth but would be more expensive with ProcellaCOR.
Timing: This would be as soon as the plant is out of the sediment, usually mid May.
Treatment after Labor Day? Matt has had limited success with this.
Is it possible there is no milfoil in some lakes? Matt said yes.
When to get information for a permit? The DNR requires 15 days to one month previous; therefore by April 15.
Both Matt and the DNR have suggested that no treatment be done this year. After discussion with Matt, the board decided to pursue with the DNR whether they would to the survey for us. If we do treatment, we would use the ProcellaCOR even if the cost was approximately $6000.
Identity Stores: Jean has finally heard from Beth, who is checking on our rebate. They have sold 39 items online, the best seller being the blankets. Al said they still have three totes of T-shirts left as well as some other items. It was decided to stay with Identity Stores, but make no direct purchases this year. As for any give-aways, John will check into an envelope opener.
Jean talked with Ed Hernandez. He did not have a name of anyone who would trap muskrats. As far as shoreline regulations, Ed stated if a wall was falling down, it could be repaired. Any new wall would require a permit. We will put this information on the website and in the newsletter.
Piers: There are radio ads about not owning the water bottom and not being able to place piers and legislation to rectify this. Julie researched this topic and found information about this. At this time it mostly relates to piers on flowages. She will post what she found on our website.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at noon. Next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2020.
Sharon Rossebo, Secretary