Where we are as of Thanksgiving

by Fred Koch

At the moment we are waiting for the DNR to review the results of post-treatment surveys from other lakes in the area. The survey results will be used to help customize the treatment in our lake next spring. We anticipate hearing back from the DNR at the end of December or early January next year.

The chemical we are planning on using is called ProcellaCOR. You can find information about the product at www.seapro.com. SeaPRO is the manufacturer. MSDS are also on line. FYI we will be using ProcellaCOR EC.

ProcellaCOR is a liquid, it can be used anytime during the year as long as the plants are still actively growing. This means we can treat more than one time during the year and multiple treatments during the year has already been ok’d by the DNR. There are no swimming restrictions.

The biggest concern with the ProcellaCOR is keeping the chemical in contact with the plants. Lake currents and in particular boat traffic will blow the chemical off of the plants. The longer the contact period, the more effective the treatment will be.

We are hoping to treat two acres very early in the year get the results and then treat all the other ares of the lake by priority until our funds run out. Please see our fall newsletter for a map of locations and the priority pf area to be treated.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW that this will not be a one time deal. All of us will have to physically survey the treated areas and probably hand pull any remaining milfoil. Any plants that remain after the chemical treatment will start to develop a resistance to the chemical, so it is vital to make sure those plants are removed from the lake.

More to come after we hear back from the DNR.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!