We are sure all PLPOA members have seen the drastically reduced amount of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) washing up on our shores. The 2023 treatment was a huge success. We now have Point Survey Reports that document how successful the treatment was.
The entire report can be found the PLPOA website: www.PineLakeProperty.org.
In essence, the report shows we reduced the milfoil from a composite total of 11.76 acres in 2023 to a composite total of 1.045 acres in 2024. A 91% decrease.
At the same time, our 2024 surveys reveal that all native pondweed species have increased, taking the place of EWM. All good news.
It is also good to know, after two different post-treatment fish fry growth experiments, the fish in the lake did not see any damaging effects from the ProcellaCor treatment. This was a big concern of the Board before treatment. Happily, all the literature the board reviewed before treatment stating ProcellaCor EC would have no effect on the fish in the lake was correct.
Unfortunately, we are not finished. There is still over one acre of EWM out there. That acre will continue to expand throughout the lake unless something is done to curtail the spread.
At the Board meeting 11/09/2024 different treatment options were discussed. The best and least expensive option for treatment of the acre, at this time, turned out to be treating the lake with ProcellaCor EC again.
For that reason, the Board decided to use ProcellaCor EC to treat the remaining EWM we know about and any additional EWM we find during our next survey in late spring of 2025. We are in the process of applying for a Treatment Permit and requesting bids for the treatment itself.
As additional information becomes available, we will keep you informed through the Milfoil Blog on the PLPOA website.
Respectfully submitted,
Fred Koch
Post-Treatment mapping of Eurasian Water Milfoil Surveyed 09//23/24 on Pine Lake, Town of Springwater, WI.
Recommended EWM treatment area for 2025. Pine Lake, Town of Springwater, WI