The Pine Lake Property Owners Association Picnic will be held 11:30- 2:30 on July 27 at W5672 County Road K. (Rain date July 28.)
This year the entire PLPOA board are organizing this event. Extra effort is being put forth for new and improved children and adult games and prizes.
Thank you to the Kleutgen family for once again offering to host the PLPOA picnic on their property.
Burgers, brats, drinks, etc. will be available, and of course the traditional roasted corn dipped in butter.
Members are encouraged (not required) to bring a side dish or dessert.
There is plenty of room on the grounds for us to spread out, and there are several picnic tables, but bring what ever makes you comfortable!
To volunteer for setup, clean up, or anything else that may be needed, please email or call any board member.