NEW THIS YEAR is a quilt raffle for all participants who sign up and show up to give blood with one caveat–we need to beat last year’s 30 pints (90 lives helped) by 10% (33 pints). The fall QUILT has been beautifully created and donated by JAN POWELL.
Blood Drive 2023 will take place on Saturday, September 2nd from 7:30 am until ? at the Powell Cottage ( N7083 E Pine Lake Lane).
Once again we will be joining forces with Long Lake, Gilbert Lake and other area lakes for a donor packed morning, delicious treats and community building.
Sign up information will be available at the annual meeting. The “fastest time” contest will enter its 4th year. Bragging rights will continue to be the best prize (actually the only prize). Mae, Brian and Jennifer are expecting some competition! Our goal is to beat last year’s donation of 30 pints; 90 people helped.
Do not hesitate to reach out to Sarah Kirchhoff (920-960-4298) with any questions.
Many people are unable to give blood but are welcome to come join in the camaraderie, food and fun!
Blood Drive
September 2nd, 2022 - To schedule your life-saving donation visit Log in, click “Donate Now” and search for sponsor code WS22. Or click this link. You will need to register for a login if you don’t already have one.
You may also register by contacting Sarah at 920-960-4298 or email
You have to filter for the date as well. A reminder email will be sent prior to the drive.