2024 Fall Newsletter
The fall newsletter is now available.
Boating Safety
These are just some boat operating practices that are dangerous and illegal in Wisconsin:
It is unlawful to operate a motorboat:
within 100 feet of any swimmer, diver, dock, raft, pier at a speed in excess of “no wake.”
at a speed in excess of no wake from one-half hour after sunset to sunrise. On Pine Lake this rule is from 5pm until 10am.
while a passenger is sitting on the gunwales, tops, backs or sides of seats, or on the decking over the bow while under way, unless such person is inboard of guards or railings sufficient to prevent the person from being lost overboard.
in a repeated circuitous course within 200 feet around any other boat or swimmer, or in a manner to create hazardous wakes.
while under the influence of an intoxicant or a controlled substance, or to use water skis or similar devices. In Wisconsin, all motor boat operators are deemed to have given consent to a blood alcohol test.
Chasing, harassing, or disturbing wildlife with your vessel.
Please be considerate of your neighbors, wildlife and others who enjoy the lake.
Wisconsin Boating Regulations
Be sure to review the entire document Wisconsin Boating Regulations to learn about statewide regulations.
Clean Boats / Clean Waters
Clean Boats Clean Waters 2024 was a resounding success and here are the numbers to prove it:
38 Pine Lakers volunteered this summer.
203 hours were logged in at the boat launch!
13 new people volunteered, 11 of whom were recruited by Lori Henderson and Cindy Lou Radcliffe
A 94 year-old is our oldest volunteer and contributed 3 hours (can any other lake in WI beat that?)
204 boaters were educated by the our volunteers.
A shout-out to Lori Henderson who contributed the largest number of hours, however, it took ALL 38 participants to get us to reach the required 200 hours.
Remember to: KEEP CBCW ALIVE in 2025:
July 6th, 2024
A Beautiful Night…
Too much outdoor LIGHTING disrupts our nighttime ecosystem and habitats for pollinators, fireflies, frogs, turtles, navigating birds and other nocturnal creatures.
Please consider turning off your lights at night or, if lighting for safety reasons, tilt lights to face downward and use yellow lights vs. white.
Click here for more info about Outdoor Lighting and our environment.
Order Swag All Year Long
Now you can order T-shirts anytime you want!